Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Tourism Product- Components of the Tourism Industry

Introduction to Tourism BEM1012 James Ince 620021716 number one tutorial question- Describe how the components of the tourism industry interact together in order to provide tourists with their holiday experience. Please state whether you agree, or disagree with the view of some academics that there is no such thing as the ‘Tourism Product’. In the industry of tourism, there are a number of components that link together, to provide a family, couple or a group with a vacation. These components are more like steps. These steps include, how you get to your destination, where you stay, what activities you do and who organizes all of these things.The formal names for these components are: accommodation sector, attraction sector, transport sector, travel organisers sector, destination sector. They all play a vital role in any vacation. The accommodation sector deals with where they are going to stay, for example, hotel, hostel and bed and breakfast. The attraction sector involv es what activities the guest will do, while vacating. For example, Amusement parks, museums, beaches. The transport sector deals with how the tourist will get to their destination. Whether it is bus, train, plane or cruise ship.The travel organizers are the people that market and sell you the trips. For example, travel agents, tour guides, cruise lines. Destination sector is where the government assist a business. For example, Government may guarantee revenue, tax incentives to build hotels or attractions. All of these segments need to be balanced and coordinated properly to complete a successful industry. If anyone of these steps is not completed to a certain standard, it could impact on the overall industry. In the industry, there is something called the tourism product.This is what a destination collectively does, that either influences the tourist in a positive or negative way. At the end of the trip, it is the tourist perception of the destination, which is the tourism product. It is all the physical and non-physical components grouped together. For example, some of the physical components would be transportation and attractions. The non-physical components would be things like the weather and safety. The tourism product is providing the whole experience to the costumer, giving them the non-bias opinions for their vacation.Some academics have said that they don’t believe there is such thing as a tourism product. I disagree with this statement, because I believe you could have a successful business that provides all of these things to the costumer. My idea of the tourism product is having all of the components and steps needed to make the perfect vacation, added into one big step. This would save the customer, a lot of effort researching on their destination, which they know nothing about. They would get the insights, and secrets on their destination. Without all of the bias and marketing strategies.This business would be successful and reliable bec ause, it is not their product to sell, they are just putting it together for the costumer. The business would have to put the whole trip together for the costumer. To achieve this the business would have to get an insight on what the costumer’s interests were, to therefore plan activities that they would enjoy. To complete this process, they would have to put together all of the components together. Starting with the accommodation sector. A good example of a tourism product is, in my country Barbados, there are many different kinds of vacations you could have.If you are of the wealthy class in England, you can come to Barbados and stay in a five star resort. You can take the expensive chartered yachts out for the day as attractions. There are BBW’s you can rent to drive around for you transportation, this way; you can have all the things you have at home. If this life style does not suit you and you are more of a middle class citizen in England. You could buy a cheap a irplane ticket, from a travel agent on your street. Arrive on virgin or British airways. Stay in a three star hotel, rent a small car. Choose attractions that suit you, going to the beach, spending days in rum shops.Both of these examples give a brief explanation about what the tourism product is. The first component that the tourist must deal with while planning their vacation is, accommodation sector. This sector deals with where the tourists stay when they are vacating. This sector really depends on who is it is staying, whether it is a family, young couple, honeymooners or elderly. It depends on this because; they will want to be close to attractions that they enjoy. For example, young people will want to be close to the club street, while elderly would like to be close to museums or spas.This links to other components because, for transportation. They would like to fly in near to their hotel; therefore they wouldn’t have to pay so much to get from the airport to their ho tel. This reasoning also applies to the attraction sector also, because the tourist vacating, would prefer to be close to the attractions, that they have chosen to participate in. This sector is vital in planning for a vacation, because it determines where you are going to stay. The two factors that help people decide where they are going to stay are price and quality.These two factors usually come hand in hand. Although if you do enough research and enough asking around. You will find a cheap place to stay, with standard quality. The main challenges that occur when dealing with these components are: safety, quality, how central it is, fake marketing and how busy it will be. The second component that is dealt with when planning a vacation is the transportation sector. This sector deals with how the tourist will get from their home to their destination. When tourist plans this stage, they look for the cheapest, safest and best quality flight.This links to the previous component becau se, when you are traveling you want to get near to where you are staying. Therefore you wont have to travel far to get to your accommodation, and save money on extra traveling expenses. This component also depends on what kind of group is going on this vacation. If you have young ones that you are traveling with you won’t book first class because they would probably be too loud. It also depends on how wealthy you are. For example if you can’t afford first class, it is unnecessary to book it because it is a luxury need, not a necessity.The third component of the tourism industry is the attraction sector. This sector deals with what the tourist will do while on vacation. To plan this, you must first look at who is traveling. For example, if it is a young group of friends, then attractions that suit them are nightclubs or amusement parks. If elderly are traveling, then museums or restaurants will attract them. This links to transport because; you need a way to get there. If it is nearby, then taxi will be adequate, but if the journey is far, then a train or bus may be necessary.It also links to the component accommodation because of the same reason; you want to search for attractions near to your hotel. You want to do this because; you don’t have to pay that extra for distance transportation. The fourth component is the travel organizer. This sector is about who markets, sells and organizes your trip. This is the sector that is advertised in the television and radio; these people put together your trip, and try to make it as cost affected as they can. Examples of travel organizers would be cruise lines. Cruise lines are all in one package deals, you pay for everything upfront, and the whole trip is planned for you.This is a sensible trip, because you know how much you are spending upfront. The fifth and last component is the destination sector. This sector deals with government assisting and helping the tourism industry. The government does t his, because they want to economy to be competitive, and each industry to strive. Examples of government assisting the industry would be, government pay for infrastructure, incentives to build hotels or other attractions, training course for staff and allowing a business to do something, in order to attract people.This component links to the others, because some businesses cannot afford to do all of these things without help from government. To conclude, each of these components assist each other, in order for people to have a balanced trip. These components include, accommodations, attractions, transportation, travel organizers and destination sector. Each of these is needed for a tourist to have an enjoyable trip. If one of these components is not completed, the whole trip could be impacted majorly, there needs to be a balance among all of the steps.In the industry there is something called the tourism product, this product is the perception of the destination, from the touristâ⠂¬â„¢s point of view. Whether the perception is negative or positive. It is how all of the components have come together, and how well they complemented, and worked with each other. Many academics think that there is no such thing as a tourism product; I disagree with this opinion, because I believe you can have a successful business, which provides all of these components to a customer.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Intelligence gathering Essay

The primary objective of intelligence gathering â€Å"†¦is to deal with future danger, not to punish past crimes. † This rings especially true in the world of terrorism. Although you are not seeking to punish past crimes, you cannot discount their usefulness when attempting to understand the future. Information is endless in terms of quantity. There are no limitations to the resources that can create useful and viable information. Perhaps the best source of information is that which comes from human sources. However, in law enforcement the use of undercover officers and informants is limited. The costs and risks associated with such operations are exponential. Also, many of the terrorist groups and organized hate groups are closed societies and are difficult to infiltrate. â€Å"To invade Iraq without preparing to deploy immediately and instruct properly the forces necessary to establish order, protect the inhabitants’ rich cultural legacy, and safeguard the material infrastructure of government and the health system is hardly to evince concern for real people as distinguished from abstract ideas. † (Thomas 2003 4). Nor is Ð ° determination not to tally at least the civilian Iraqi dead and maimed, the collateral damage, as it were, of liberation. Nor is leaving Afghanistan in shambles the better to pursue Ð ° war of choice and opportunity but hardly necessity in the Middle East, Nor is willed amnesia about the fate of the Central American countries where, in the name of democracy during the Reagan years, neo-conservatives championed war rather than fostering compromise and leveraging the social change that might have given substance to democratic forms. But all of these acts and omissions are entirely consistent with Ð ° cynical power-sharing compromise with the hard proponents of an unadorned chauvinism. And they are consistent as well with Ð ° sentiment that administration realists and neo-conservatives appear to possess jointly, which is indifference to what liberal humanitarians deem essential: due regard for the opinion of our old democratic allies and due concern for the lives of the peoples we propose to democratize. â€Å" (Thomas 2004 11). Therefore, much of the information gathered comes from traditional sources such as reports, search warrants, anonymous tips, public domain, and records management systems. This information is used to populate various investigative databases. When investigating Ð ° crime or developing answers to ongoing patterns, series, or trends, law enforcement personnel often rely upon numerous databases and records management systems. â€Å"One predictable yet little remarked consequence of the outrages committed in America on 9/11 has been an upsurge of academic interest in the study of terrorism. The number of US institutes and research centers and ‘think thanks’ which have now added this subject to their research agendas or, in some cases, have been newly established to specialize in this field has mushroomed. In Britain and other European countries the increase in interest has been more modest: some universities are now beginning to recruit specialists in terrorism studies to teach the subject as part of the curriculum of political science or international relations. Yet throughout European academia there is still Ð ° deep-seated reluctance, if not outright refusal, to recognize that studying terror as Ð ° weapon, whether by sub-state groups or regimes, is Ð ° legitimate and necessary scholarly activity. Most of the standard British introductory texts on politics and international relations make no reference to the concept of terrorism, or if they do it is only to dismiss it on the grounds that it is simply Ð ° pejorative term for guerrilla warfare and freedom fighting. Equally remarkable is the neglect of the use of terror by regimes and their security forces. The omission of Ð ° reference to these phenomena in the introductory texts is all the more startling in view of the fact that throughout history regimes have been responsible for campaigns of mass terror, of Ð ° lethality and destructiveness far greater in scale than those waged by sub-state groups. (Mary 2003 25) â€Å"It takes little imagination to see that the events of September 11 delivered Ð ° profound shock to America’s sense of its relationship with the outside world. Commentators inside and outside the United States strove to find words to express their sense of the enormity of the attacks. The attacks were Ð ° â€Å"wake-up call for Americans. † They constituted the â€Å"end of American innocence,† Ð ° final blow to America’s privileged position of detachment from the messy and violent conflicts that blighted less favored countries. America had now once and for all entered the â€Å"real world† of international politics, its â€Å"illusion of invulnerability† finally shattered. An important assumption behind these reactions was that America’s stance toward the outside world could and must change as Ð ° result of these events. American isolationism (in so far as it still existed), its tendency to act unilaterally, indeed its famed â€Å"exceptionalism† itself must inevitably give way to an acknowledgment that the United States was just like any other power. What precise policy implications might flow from such recognition was as yet unclear; it was enough that the events of September 11 constituted Ð ° turning point in American foreign relations. The world, it was said repeatedly, would never be the same again, and neither would America. Simulation exercises of terrorist situations which have occurred can be extremely useful. Lessons can be learnt. Response patterns and negotiating positions have to be viewed in the broader context of government policy-making. Problems shown up by simulation can be examined with Ð ° view to solution – are policy-makers prepared for Ð ° potential crisis or not? Communications breakdown, working at cross purposes and the impact of critical disorganization are regular difficulties. Terrorist tactics and strategies change and this can strain the capabilities of the authorities to respond effectively. â€Å" (John 2004 33-36).

We Real Cool, Poetry Explanation

STUDENT NAME PROFESSOR CLASS DATE We Real Cool: Poetry Explication â€Å"We Real Cool† is a poem written by Gwendolyn Brooks in 1959, and published in her book The Bean Eaters (We Real Cool, pg 1). A simple and light poem, â€Å"We Real Cool† is vague enough to allow readers to visualize their own characters and setting, but specific enough to keep a consistent rebellious image. Brook’s attitude toward the characters is undecided, as the tone is neither tragic nor victorious, but more so just balanced and neutral. â€Å"We Real Cool† is written from the perspective of the involved fictional characters.It is as if the reader is in the presence of these characters as they introduce themselves. They speak with confidence and defiance, describing their actions and self-ideals in a rhythmic stanza form. We are not presented with any specific character ethnicities or backgrounds, nor year or time, but we are provided a fictional setting of a place called The Gol den Shovel. Containing only ten sentences, â€Å"We Real Cool† begins with the line, The Pool Players. With this line, we are able to imagine the type of characters we will be following.The assumptions are, there will be alcohol and cigarettes involved, as those are typical stereotypes when thinking about pool halls. The second line within the same stanza is, Seven at The Golden Shovel. From this line we are able to assume or imagine that there are a total of seven characters involved in the scene. With just these two simple lines composed of simple words, imagery is created in order to set the stage for the next stanzas. Moving into the body of â€Å"We Real Cool†, Brooks begins each sentence with the word, We, making it a point that the narrator comprises of multiple people, specifically the seven pool players.The first line to begin the second stanza is, We real cool. This not only states the title of the poem, but also sets the intellectual level of the seven pool players. Grammatically correct, but more along the lines of slang, the last word of this sentence begins the rhyme scheme that will follow. The second half of this stanza is, We left school. This is an obvious statement of action, but leaves the reader questioning whether they left a not-yet-dismissed school day or a school day that had come to an end. As a third option, the reader might also assume they left school for good.The couplets continue in the next stanza with, We lurk late. With this line we can assume the verb lurk is meant to represent a much less gracious movement, an almost monstrous, but comical way of walking. In the poem’s consistent three word lines, the word late is included to end the sentence. This gives the reader an idea of when the poem can possibly take place within the time of day. Although it may not be a literal statement regarding the time of day, as it can also translate to a rebellious activity the characters wish to point out.The second senten ce within this stanza is, We strike straight. This line can also have multiple meanings depending on the usage and perspective of the words strike and straight. Two possible literal translations can be deal with fighting, as strike means hit or punch, while another meaning of strike is how one lights a cigarette. The fourth stanza begins with, We sing sin, a line that can also have multiple meanings. If taken from a paradox angle, the gentleness and innocence of singing contradicts with the literal meaning of sin.This method of verbal irony is what keeps the tone consistently light throughout the poem, and when strategically placed near the middle of the poem allows for a smooth transition from the previous darker stanza. Another translation of We sing sin can also be that the group likes to listen to contemporary music, possibly singing along. In certain days of past, and even currently, music is often labeled as the â€Å"Devil’s Music† by those who choose to be prud e, or overly religious. Ending this stanza is, We thin gin, an assumed reference to alcohol, something not out of the ordinary for a group of ragtag young’ins in this poem.Wrapping up the poem, the last stanza begins with, We Jazz June. A line like this, as did the previous lines, can have multiple meanings, or possible connotation to slang of the days the poem was written. Quite possibly, the literal translation can be that this poem takes place in the summer season of June, with the Jazz portion representing the music genre, Jazz. Jazz June could also be placed intentionally at this part of the poem in order to establish the name of the group of seven, the Jazz June.An additional meaning could be that the terms Jazz June has something to do with slang of those days. The last line of this stanza and poem is, We die soon, translating to a living a fast life on edge. With a rebellious life, this can lead to a shortened life span, as one is susceptible the dangers of life when staying out late, smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol. On a positive side, it can also mean, life is too short, and regardless, we will all die soon, so enjoy and be free. â€Å"We Real Cool† is a combination narrative and lyric poem that contains a very simple couplet, rhyming scheme.The simplicity and depth of the poem lasts the test of time as it very much can be relatable to this day and age of Hip Hop. The ambiguity of character background, location and time allows the reader to use their imagination and apply their perspective to the translation. I thoroughly enjoyed Gwendolyn Brooks’ â€Å"We Real Cool† and feel its relevance to contemporary poetry is vibrant and refreshing, making it a timeless piece of literature. Works Cited â€Å"We Real Cool† Wikipedia. 2012. . [Web site with no author. 21 May. 2012 is copyright date and 9 Nov. 2012 is access date. ]

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The institutional gaze and Disciplining Research Paper

The institutional gaze and Disciplining - Research Paper Example ern their remit and conduct, such hospitals or prisons, while others have more implicit rules, which we perceive as conventions or habits, such as theatre going or sports fandom. Most of the time people unconsciously abide by the rules set in these institutions, or willingly submit to the rules that they can clearly see, and this compliance is regarded by the majority as â€Å"normal† behaviour, while those who do not display compliance are labelled in some way â€Å"sick†, â€Å"abnormal†, â€Å"deviant† or even â€Å"criminal†. Throughout the twentieth century scholars in different disciplines began to unpick this dynamic and look for ways to explore what is going on here, why it is happening, and how these patterns are created and maintained. It was recognised by linguists that many of these issues are expressed in the way that people and organisations communicate with each other. A method called â€Å"discourse analysis† was developed in the field of linguistics which allows close examination of individual pieces of communication between people, whether in daily speech, in writing or in television programmes, instruction leaflets or any other context. This method provides â€Å"rather powerful, while subtle and precise, insights† and allows us to â€Å"witness the realization of the macrosociological patterns that characterize our society† (Van Dijk, 185, 7). In this paper we shall use a discourse analysis approach to investigate a portion of communications from the field of healthcare : the â€Å"Smoke Free† website from the UK National Health Service. In particular we shall look at how participants are recruited into this programme, how the programme sets behaviour codes, monitors the individuals, and keeps records on them. Close analysis of the actual communications will only take us so far, however, and as Van Dijk realised, there are also â€Å"macrosocial† factors to consider. One of the most influential scholars in this, as in other fields, has been Michael

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Responsibility Of Patient Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Responsibility Of Patient Safety - Essay Example Most hazardous technologies have barriers as well as safeguards. The question to ask whenever a mistake occurs should not be who did what but instead why and how the system failed. When the medical practitioners get proper payment, and their shifts made shorter, service delivery can be better. The supply of medical equipment and medications should also be available and at the disposal of the patients as well those who administer. A manual guide of how medication dosages work in several age sets accompanied by the particular disease they treat is valuable as well. Cases of wrong medication for the bad disease of even wrong dosage will not be subject to discussion at all (Cohn and Brower, 2012). Hospital and health institutions should have resilient systems for them to be able to bounce back to its initial ability. Machines that are of great importance to patient health survival should go through careful checking before and after a patient is put on it daily. Medical practitioners will ensure that the patients only use machines that are of good standard and condition as well. The steps to reduce risk concentration, as well as the reoccurrence of problems, can be directed towards the patient (JonWang, 2008). The patients should be taught to associate risks with incidences that precede their occurrences. Detecting these factors can act as warning signs that should trigger immediate actions from the personnel who are on standby every hour of the day to serve and reduce or even do away with the risk.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

DB3 carminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DB3 carminal justice - Essay Example Smith. As an initial matter, society is turning more and more to alternative treatments for minor drug offenders. As stated in a research study by the U.S. Department of Justice, there are a number of potential types of alternative treatments available, such as residential treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, drug education, pharmacological interventions, community-based therapeutic programs, and relapse prevention programs (Peyton and Gossweiler, 2001: 7). A careful analysis can match Mr. Smith with an alternative treatment program for his particular type of abuse. In addition, there is a growing body of evidence which suggests that therapeutic options might be more relevant to eliminating the underlying behavior which resulted in the drug offense. More particularly, there has been a rather long-standing perception, by the public and by researchers in general, that drug use per se leads to more advanced criminal behaviors. Indeed, much of the drug debate centers on this very premise that recidivism and progressively worse criminal actions are inevitable. The data, however, does not support such an attenuated conclusion; quite the contrary, the research demonstrates that there are similar risk factors for both the abuse of drugs and criminal behavior. In short, incarceration does nothing to deal with Mr. Smith’s underlying risk factors. More specifically, there is a demonstrable impact of substance abuse on criminal behavior that is relevant to incarceration decisions. Such a general statement, however, is of little use without a closer examination of the specific impacts. The types of criminal behaviors that result from substance abuse, for example, tend to be limited and, in many cases, predictable. As an illustration, heroin abuse does lead to financial criminal behaviors; that is, the abusers commit crimes with the specific objective being the financing and re-financing of their heroin habits. A more general

Monday, August 26, 2019

Effect of the World Wars on Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Effect of the World Wars on Canada - Essay Example Social Impacts of First and Second World War: Canada has been put into form by wars more than anyone could have realized it. The wars created the modern Canada, removing all kinds of traditions and memories of a â€Å"divided national identity†. Attitude of Canadians towards war was based on historical experience (Morton, 1999, pp. ix-x). The First World War had led to overwhelming changes in the social structure of Canada. The sacrifices and compromises that the average Canadians had to make called for new social order intending for emergence of peace. Groups of labor, women, farmers, churches and political parties all had developed their plans and programs for bringing in changes (Guest, 1997, pp. 49-50) Several social reforms were stimulated by the war. Pension issues, healthcare were some areas which were given special attention. In the field of social welfare, the profession of social work emerged out of liberal individualism. However keeping problems of divided jurisdiction at one side, the administrative problems aggravated by federal government’s failure to contribute to costs. Unemployment relief policy was largely developed at the municipal level, resulting in administrative procedures and policies differing from place to place with absence of standards in the level of aids (Guest, 1997, pp.50-85). Thus impacts of the war could be felt. As it can be understood that War and Society has a deep rooted connection and hence greater impacts are bound to occur on the societal issues when such World War affects or impacts countries individually (Keshen & Durflinger, 2007). However, as in the case of Canada, the effects have not been negative completely. The Second World War to o had a reflective effect on the social structure of Canada. The most rigorous crisis of unemployment got ended and the standards of living were raised for a large number of people in Canada. More significantly, the process of â€Å"industrialization† and â€Å"urbanization† progressed with greater rapidity. Production capacity of industries was stretched and superiority and intricacy of industrial processes also increased. The war had an overwhelming effect on the federal government as a whole. It became one of the largest employers of labor. The war saw several women responding to convene of the war and shedding their homemakers’ role to join the labor force. However with respect to Fordist estimates, the white male enjoyed better privileges than the women. Many women from Poland were brought into Canada and they represented the modern and educated women folk of tomorrow. Unemployment of the country decreased, and personal income and provincial income started increasing (Sangster, 2007, p. 472). As the war had ended with a sound financial form, even problems of agricultural surpluses also were removed. There was also a realization among the governments that social services were not only a luxury, but a crucial item in the smooth functioning during wartimes (Guest, 1997, pp.103-104; Francis, Jones, and Smith, 2007). Thus comparing the effects of the two world wars, it can be seen that the Second World War had bigger positive social impacts on the country. Political Impacts of First and Second World War: The political impact of the First World War formed or enlarged some divisions in the community. Before the year 1914, Canadians who resided in the western region of Canada had to consume products by paying much higher prices than those who were living in the country’s central and eastern regions. Price gaps also existed in the provinces that were existent for long times. By the year 1920s, the western and the eastern regions had div ided in terms of prices. According to sources, inflation was prevailing during and after the war, which led to high price ranges on consumable

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Social distance and social connectedness Term Paper

Social distance and social connectedness - Term Paper Example Both of the terms, i.e. the social distance and the social connectedness although different in meaning, are employed to discuss the level of closeness between the individual groups within the society that differ from one another on various grounds. Social interaction and dialogue between different communities gives rise to unity and strength, and promotes the prosperity and progress of the nation as a whole. The vast amount of literature developed in the area of sociology has categorized social distance into three different types, namely the affective social distance, the normative social distance and the interactive social distance. Social distance is called as affective distance when it depicts the concerns of one community towards another community when the latter experiences certain hardships in the society. On the other hand, normative distance serves to differentiate between insiders and the outsiders. â€Å"Relations between normatively close members of a group are not always warm and friendly, and normatively distant groups can sometimes be an object of reverence and love.† (Karakayali, 2009). The third type of social distance is called as the interactive social distance that is essentially a measure of the level of interaction and socialization between two parties in the society. In light of this definition, the interactive social distance is inversely proportional to th e communicative strength prevailing in a relation between the two parties. Every individual in the society builds personal boundaries around him/her and this is an intrinsic feature of human psychology. â€Å"This social distance is also known as body space and comfort zone and the use of this space is called proxemics.† (Hall, 1966). It is also essential to a certain extent in order for the individual to be educated on the necessary limits to be drawn

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Legal Underpinnings of Business Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legal Underpinnings of Business Law - Assignment Example The business does not enjoy a distinguished legal entity from the owner of the business otherwise referred to as the entrepreneur in other professional terms. When the business sustains liabilities and debts, the owner is personally liable. Furthermore, if Tinker’s Home Security Service breaches a pre-agreed contract with one of the associates such as a supplier, then the associate has the legal permission to sue the owner of the business and hold him responsible for gross misconduct. Personal assets of the owner among them land, car, home, and other personal possessions are always at risk in case of a lawsuit. In contrast to Tinker’s Home Security Service, the other forms of business namely; Tinker and Tailor’s Home Security Service, LLC (LLC), Tinker and Tailor’s Home Security Service, Inc (corporation), Tinker and Tailor’s Home Security Service (LP), as well as Tinker and Tailor’s Home Security Service (general partnership) have a spate legal entity different from the owners. As opposed to sole proprietorship, if the court of law of legal authority with oversight roles finds any of them liable for gross misconduct, the plaintiff in the case has limited permission to recover from the assets owned by the business. The case is only different where there are exceptions. However, it is essential to identify that in spite of the limited legal freedoms enjoyed by sole proprietorship, it entails several advantages. The only escape through which the owner of Tinker’s Home Security Services can escape unscathed from a law suit is by seeking for the best legal advice. It is crucial especially when the business is defending itself against a lawsuit by a plaintiff in the case. One of the greatest opportunities is that attorneys are not necessary in such scenarios. The success of the case or the defence depends on the presentation of facts and the prevailing circumstances. Seeking professional assistance by the owner of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Social Class and Education in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Class and Education in the USA - Essay Example However, education is becoming elusive for more and more people each year, especially for the working class. But then again, people classified as working class are not the only ones who encounter such difficulty. Even the middle class, at times including those in the upper echelon, have a hard time sending their kids to good schools that provide high quality education. This paper discusses the factors that bring about this condition of education in the United States (US). In this paper, I intend to argue that rising income disparity and unbalanced funding system for schools are the primary reasons why it becomes harder for people who are not in the upper class of society to attend good schools. Apart from these, I assert that surging cost in relation to schooling and Americans' mounting consumption rather than saving up for future investment such as education are also major factors that exacerbate the state of US education. Since elementary and secondary schooling are mandated by law, college education is emphasized in the discussion. In the tertiary level, problems in education become more evident as students and families are more exposed to higher spending and more options. In terms of income equality, the US ranks only 92nd is the world income distribution ("Wikipedia"). In the US, although income inequality rose more slowly during much of the 90's, those with higher incomes continue to pull away, thus, widening the income gap. People with higher incomes are said to be concentrated in California and New York City. With higher earnings, people working in these states are more likely to get to good schools and perform well. To illustrate this point, it is deemed that roughly 44% of the student population at Stanford University is comprised of people from California. Such may be somehow explained by the fact that those with higher incomes have greater allocation for education. Furthermore, due to the higher cost of living in these states, these people are probably more driven to land higher paying jobs to sustain their lifestyle. They seek better education since there are greater opportunities available in the labor market for highly educated individuals. Moreover, it is seen that those in the upper class have greater chances of pursuing higher level of education. As at 2000, the percentage of families who are able to send their children to school with respect to their annual income is summarized as follows: Annual Income Bracket Percentage of People who are able to send their Children to College $62,629-$96,040 26.7% $35,902-$62,628 12.2% Below-$35,901 8.6% ("Seattle Post Intelligencer") In the table above, it is seen that participation rates in college vary depending on total family income. People belonging to the upper income bracket are more likely to send their kids to schools. As we move down the income range, there are lesser families who can afford to send their children to school. This trend is due to the fact that people with lower earnings would initially have to address their basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing. These bare essentials would have to be answered first prior to the cost of further schooling. If their disposable income is already depleted with their spending food, rent and clothes, then the children's schooling are at times foregone. Often, college

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Distinguish between inculpatory and exculpatory evidence. What is the Essay

Distinguish between inculpatory and exculpatory evidence. What is the significance of each Include APA formatted in-text citations to document any sources quoted or paraphrased - Essay Example The knife can therefore be described as inculpatory evidence against the man (Sperry, 2006). Conversely, exculpatory evidence is evidence that favors the defendant in a criminal lawsuit (Sperry, 2006). It tends to absolve the defendant of any guilt that the case had placed on him or her. It is the direct opposite of the inculpatory type of evidence which tends to enhance the guilt of the defendant in a criminal case (Sperry, 2006). Many countries around the globe such as the United States of America, enforce policies that restrains the prosecutors in their courts from disclosing any of this type of evidence. This evidence is only released when the defendant in a criminal lawsuit makes a claim of being guilty or not being guilty (Sperry, 2006). A good example of such evidence exists where a witness comes up in a criminal lawsuit and absolves the accused person of all the blame in

Agency Factors Essay Example for Free

Agency Factors Essay Foster parents are in a tough position. On the one hand they are expected to welcome unfamiliar children into their homes, invest in them emotionally and physically, and help them through a difficult time. On the other hand, this intense investment is supposed to be temporary. When the placement ends, foster parents are expected to disengage in a way that is helpful to the child and everyone else involved. In the hustle and bustle of a placement move, whether the child is going home or moving somewhere else, foster parents feelings of loss are often not given adequate attention. Agency Factors In 1989, Lois Urquhart conducted a study to determine whether foster parents experiences of separation and loss affected their decision to continue fostering children. She surveyed 376 foster homes, 275 of which were licensed and open to children, and 101 of which had been previously-licensed but had closed within the past three years. She found that both groups of families expressed love and affection for their foster children and sadness at their loss. The two groups also felt similar levels of anxiety and uncertainty regarding foster care placements. Urquhart found that although open home respondents more often knew how long a placement would be, both groups rarely knew from the outset a childs length of stay in their homes (p. 203). Urquhart did find two key differences between open and closed foster homes. The first emerged when she asked foster parents how well their agency prepared them for the separation and the grief they would feel at the end of a placement. While 36 percent of foster parents from open homes felt they had been taught skills for coping with a childs removal; only 19 percent of closed homes felt they had been adequately prepared. The other significant difference between open and closed homes had to do with the degree to which they felt their agency supported them before, during, and after separation. Foster parents from open homes felt they were better supported by their agency in every category assessed. Parents from open homes were also provided with information about and contact with former foster children more often than were parents from closed homes. Urquhart concludes that foster parents who are unprepared or unsupported for the separation and loss experience can be considered foster parents at risk of leaving foster care (p. 206). Emotional Factors To continue on in their work after the end of a placement, foster parents need to resolve their grief. One step in this process-expressing the pain associated with the loss-can be especially difficult for some foster parents. In When Foster Children Leave: Helping Foster Parents to Grieve, Susan Edelstein (1981) identifies four obstacles that prevent people from expressing grief over a loss. Foster parents can run up against any or all of these. First, grieving is difficult when the relationship to the lost person was ambivalent or hostile. Foster parents may experience mixed feelings about foster children, especially those who are prone to act out. A second barrier to fully expressing feelings of loss when a child leaves the foster home is the number of other demands placed on foster parents. Usually, there are other foster and biological children still in the home. Foster parents must continue to attend to these children, leaving little opportunity to express themselves. Expectations can be another barrier. It may be an unspoken expectation that foster parents should not get too attached to the children in their homes. Foster parents who express feelings of loss may be considered weak by their agency or other foster parents; they may even have their ability to foster questioned. The final barrier has to do with differences in individual personalities. Some people have a need to always appear confident and independent, and grieving makes them uncomfortable; they view the vulnerability that is part of grief as a sign of weakness. For suggestions for supportingand retainingfoster families, see Support at the End of Placement. References Edelstein, S. (1981). When foster children leave: Helping foster parents to grieve. Child Welfare, 60(7), 467-473. Urquhart, L. (1989). Separation and loss: Assessing the impacts on foster parent retention. Child and Adolescent Social Work, 6(3), 193-209. (c) 1997 Jordan Institute for Families Helping a Child Through a Permanent Separation 1. Help the child face reality. The pain needs to be acknowledged and the grieving process allowed. 2. Encourage the child to express feelings. There can be expressions of reasons for the separation without condemning parents. 3. Tell the truth. You can emphasize that his parents were not able to take care of him without saying, Your mother is an alcoholic. Also, try to deal with the fantasy that children often have that the parents will return. The permanency of the loss needs to be realized. 4. Encourage the child to ask questions. Again, be as truthful in your responses as you can without hurting the child. Never lie to the child, even to spare some pain. 5. Process with the child why the losses occurred. Ask about his ideas of why he has made the moves he has and experienced these losses. 6. Spend time with the child. Any child who has experienced separation feels rejection and guilt. This can interfere with his sense of trust in others and himself. By spending time and talking with the child, a new, trusting relationship can be built between the worker and child during preparation. This, in turn, can lead to other healthy relationships. 7. Encourage information about the past. A childs identity is partly a result of having a past that is continuous. To achieve this continuity, various techniques, such as the Life Book, are valuable. Social, cultural, and developmental information needs to be included in the book and made available to the child. 8. Understand your own feelings. It is difficult to share the pain of separation and to be the one who helps the child face realitysuch as the fact that he may never see his biological or foster parents again. Often, the worker would prefer to avoid the pain and angry feelings. However, if these feelings are not dealt with now, they will recur and may jeopardize placement.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Body Building And Training

Body Building And Training Like any other sport, body building requires one to go through a lot of body building training in order to perfect ones skill as well as build up the desired mass of body muscle. This entails the body builder enrolling in weight lifting sessions where you are assigned to a coach. Through hard work and training routines the coach helps you to achieve the desired mass of body muscle. When it comes to weight training routines there are generally two types of routines that come to mind: body sculpting and bodybuilding routines. Your trainer will help you through the routines as well as ensure that you are following the right routine. Body building training is mainly meant for bodybuilders whose main goal is to add pounds after pounds of muscle mass while taking their body fat levels to a neighborhood of 8-10% and in some instances, like a bodybuilding contest, even less, going as far as 3-4% body fat. A good body building training routine should have characteristics like; A good body building training routine should be short in terms of time. The general timing for a single session is between forty five minutes and seventy five to the maximum. Testosterone hormones which are responsible for muscle building and fat burning start to drop after 75 minutes. What this means is that training more than seventy five minutes will prevent you from gaining muscle and losing fat fast! It will also prevent you from fast recovery. As crazy as it sounds, more is not necessarily better for huge bodybuilding gains. In body building training, the rest in between sets should be kept minimal. Keeping your rest in between sets and exercises down not only helps you to perform a lot of work and still finish within the seventy five minutes, but it also helps you to improve your cardiovascular system. In addition, it has also been shown that this kind of training stimulates growth hormones output the most. It is most advisable to keep it less than ninety seconds. Keeping around eight to fifteen repetitions of sets for body building training routines improves blood flow into your muscles. This is important since along with the blood come nutrients that nourish the muscle cells and help them recover and rebuild bigger faster. In addition since you are doing so many repetitions, there is less probability of injury since youll be using a weight that you can control. It is also good for muscle building and fat burning occur more efficiently at these repetition ranges. Body building training must be varied and cycled. Do not get stuck with the same routine day in and day out. If you are a bodybuilder, and you do this, this guarantees zero muscle growth. This is without even mentioning boredom and lack of enthusiasm. Bodybuilding training cycles can go for a period of three to four weeks of high volume eight to fifteen repetitions per set or with periods of higher intensity of five to eight repetitions per set. Higher density periods are THE REQUIREMENTS AND BENEFITS OF BODY BUILDING RX Bodybuilding Rx techniques are those methods that enable one to build muscle without the use of artificial-and often illegal-injected or ingested substances. In the sport of bodybuilding rx, the classification of natural is based on the division in which the bodybuilders compete. While natural bodybuilders do not use drugs or illegal substances, they do use nutritional supplements and other legal products. Rx therefore is the prescription or method either supplements or workouts that a body builder follows to acquire the desired mass of body muscle In contrast to steroids, bodybuilding rx techniques offer a number of benefits to bodybuilders like, an absence of unhealthy side effects, long-lasting results with respect to enhanced musculature, which do not dissipate as is the case with steroid use. Besides workouts are positive rein forcers, as compared to excessive testosterone use which interferes with the release of endorphins Experts consider proper nutrition to be one of the most significant factors in body building rx. Although opinions regarding what constitutes proper nutrition for bodybuilders varies, many experts recommend that, of all of the calories a bodybuilder consumes each day, thirty percent should be a form of protein, fifty percent should be derived from carbohydrates and twenty percent should be from healthy fats. In addition, one should minimize, to the greatest extent possible, the consumption of sugar and of processed foods. Of course, this is true for all individuals. If your nutrition is poor then youll never get the muscle growth or muscularity that you are looking for. Work hard, get green and eat well. According to Iron Magazine, the trick with weight training is that you need to actually rest more than you need to train. When you train with weights, you are breaking down the fibers in the muscles of your body. In order to successfully build muscle, it is necessary to rest those same muscles the day after training. Thus, if you work the muscles of the upper body one day, do not work those same muscles the next day. A good training technique, therefore, is to work different muscle groups on alternate days. In addition, Iron Magazine suggests a number of body building rx techniques that have been proven to increase muscle mass relatively quickly. These varied techniques prevent the body from becoming too comfortable with a particular training routine and will enable the muscles to be more responsive to training. Bodybuilding Rx techniques are becoming increasingly popular with bodybuilders who desire a increased muscle mass without the side effects of muscle enhancing drugs. By choosing body building rx methods, including those rare supplements that have been proven through clinical studies to assist performance enhancement without unhealthy side effects, you can take pride in the fact that any muscle you build is derived from hard work, discipline and healthy habits as opposed to use of dangerous drugs. As always, consult a doctor before starting this, or any, exercise routine. Bodybuilding is particularly strenuous so this caution is particularly advisable before embarking on this path. Bodybuilding work outs People engage themselves in exercises for reasons like, loosing weight and body toning. How ever there are those who embark on working out otherwise known as body exercising to build their muscles. Others do not know the best workouts for building their body muscles so as a result, they drop pounds but those pounds come from losing muscle mass, which weighs more than fat. The good news is there are ways to maintain your current muscle mass while still losing weight. You must perform the proper body building muscles in order to burn fat and not muscle. To focus on cardiovascular workouts, is what most fitness instructors and health advocates advise. It will help your heart and lungs get stronger so you can do more exercise without getting worn out, so its a good way to start. However, you need to add some weight training to that recipe at least 2 to 3 times a week. That way youll be replenishing lost muscle and adding new muscle mass. This is good because muscle requires more calories than fat. If you have a lot of lean muscle mass in your body, your metabolism is going to increase which means youll burn off more calories and lose weight. When you stop taking in calories your body would automatically start using up these stockpiles. First, your body is going to convert your muscle mass into energy and thats going to slow your metabolism so you dont need as many calories in the first place which makes it harder for you to lose weight. A better plan is to gradually reduce your calorie intake and let your body adjust to the changes. For example, you might reduce your calories by 10% the first week, another 10% the second week, and so on. This prevents your body from going into starvation mode. When you begin with your body building workouts, it would be prudent to begin with bigger lifting. Starting out this way will help the human body to produce what is known as the Human Growth Hormone. Not only is this good for the rest of your body, but it will also help your muscles to grow. It would be wise to stay away from the machines and just go for the free weights as they call for a greater amount of control than a machine would. As long as you do compound body biulding workouts, your arms will get the workout that they need. As you are performing a sort of pulling action, which is to say rows or even pull ups, youre performing some great biceps workouts in the process. If you do arm body building workouts alone at first, then your compound workouts will not turn out very well. Make sure you do the standard arm workouts at the end. If you are finished with the big compound body building work outs, then its time to move on to the arm exercises to get big biceps. Hit your arms from as many angles as you can, but dont over do it. You can do a standing curl to hit the middle portion of the biceps; a decline curl your biceps to get it in the stretched position; and a concentration or spider curl to really hit the peak contraction point. By the way these are all supplicated, or palms up. One thing that you can do is superset the biceps. There are three triceps exercises that you can take advantage of in order do to this. One of these is an overhead triceps extension which is a standing triceps pushdown and kick-back. Remember to choose a position for the day and dont just go at it haphazardly. A few examples of good positions are middle, stretched, peak, and many others. Though youll want to do three or maybe even four supersets in a day, it isnt a good idea to exceed that. Above all, do warm-up exercises before you begin so you dont end up pulling something! Then theres the brachial is muscle. This is a muscle that is beneath the biceps and you will need to maintain a decent balance within your arms. To do this, you will need to turn your palms down during the exercise. Note that the brachial is the main muscle involved in flexing your elbow. If you turn your palms down, the biceps will be out of the picture and you will be able to focus on the brachial. By making the muscle bigger, the biceps will be pushed up, and they will be more prevalent. EFFECTS OF USING BASEBALL STEROIDS Base ball Steroids are man-made substances related to male hormones which are injected a players blood system to enhance muscle building and masculine characteristics. Though base ball steroids are illegal, they are still used by many athletes, baseball players, body builders and even coaches of high schools enforce use of athletic teens. Over time, these drugs cause serious health problems and many are irreversible. These drugs are taken a period of time, called cycling. This process involves taking multiple doses over a specific period of time, stopping for a period and starting up again. Anabolic baseball steroids are artificially produced testosterone, a male hormone. Because it is a male hormone, this drug increases strength, energy, and muscle mass. Baseball players are attracted to baseball steroids use because of its purported-and often very apparent-energy enhancement effects in a very short period of time and for a relatively small amount of effort. However, the health risks related to steroid abuse cannot be overstated. Base ball steroids have at least three different effects on the heart; they could lower the good type of cholesterol and raise the bad type of cholesterol in the blood or raise your blood pressure. They can also damage the heart by enlarging the left ventricle. Base ball steroids also have physical side effects like, enlarged breast in men. Women using them may develop a deep voice, facial hair and mens baldness. Base ball steroids also cause liver damage, stroke, prostrate cancer, sexual impotence and even infertility. These emotional-psychological effects like aggression, uncontrollable mood-swings, and psychiatric side effects are the most common side effects of base ball steroids. As a player, you may feel good when using base ball steroids but if you use them continuously you may start experiencing violence and manic-like symptoms. Depression is seen when use of the base ball steroids is stopped, which is why most users become dependant on steroids. Base ball steroid users suffer from irritability, delusions, jealously, paranoia, and impaired judgment on others. Some base ball steroid users begin turning to other dangerous drugs, such as heroin and opiates, to deal with the pain of steroid use. Despite their much highly acknowledged ability to pump up a player quickly, base ball steroids have another reputation that is not as well recognized. They are a temporary fix; indeed, the energy that base ball steroids build so quickly will just as quickly diminish once you stop taking them. This is why many players suffer from long-term base ball steroid abuse-to maintain their energy enhancing effects, they must continue taking this synthetic hormone. Continued baseball steroid abuse then leads to higher risks the users health. It would appear that the only benefit of base ball steroid use is their temporary advantage, but this advantage is accompanied by serious and often irreversible effects upon the users physical and sometimes emotional and psychological health. Besides use of base ball steroids is like digging ones own grave. STEREOTYPES ABOUT WOMEN IN BODY BUILDING What a man can do a woman can do it better This is a common saying in todays world where women have taken up the challenge of going an extra mile in trying out tasks and jobs earlier reserved for men. This includes sporting activities like body building whereby women strive to get the strong and tough bodies that some men have. Unfortunately, many women avoid bodybuilding because theyre afraid that theyll start looking manlier. These women are victims of the loads of stereotypes out there on the bodies of women in body building. Below are some of the most common stereotypes that are discouraging women from getting kind the bodies that they really want. For instance, the assumption that bodybuilding will make you develop muscle, but will not add the masculinity factor. Most definitely women in body building will definitely not look like male bodybuilders. Men produce lots more testosterone than women do, which is the main difference in anatomy of men and women. This chemical is that same component that lets men bulk up a lot. You can only get muscle to this magnitude if you intentionally take testosterone supplements, so if you dont take them, youve got nothing to worry about. Doing weight training doesnt, in any way, turn women into men; it simply tones and sculpts the female body to the best possible shape. Another stereotype that women tend to wish it were a reality is the assumption that women in body building have bigger and fuller breasts. Just like for men, bodybuilding helps take off the fat from the body while putting muscle in the place. This means that it might actually make the breast size smaller. If you want to avoid this, its important that a specific bodybuilding regimen is made specifically for females, as it will take into account all female characteristics. Women that train properly do not have to worry about losing mass in their breasts in the least. Through the ages, many women have had the fear like how men in body building have stiff bodies, then it is the same for women in body building. They tend to believe that weight training causes their body to stiffen and become muscle-bound knuckle draggers. This is an outrageous stereotype because female bodybuilding will actually do the opposite: it will give you so much more flexibility and grace; its impossible to realize without witnessing. Every society has its own stereotypes that its people specially the ladies harbor about women in bodybuilding. Most of them are carried on by people who dont have the will to keep their body in healthy condition and are not even conversant with the field of body building thus probably they dont know what theyre saying. If you want to develop your body to lead a healthier life while looking amazing, the best advice would be to consult professionals who know what theyre talking about. Do not ever give up a chance to appear and feel better just because of a dumb myth or two. WHAT TO EXPECT FROM A BODY BUIDING ENCYCLOPEDIA If you wish to achieve success from body building, it is important to look for a body building encyclopedia. The encyclopedia offers near help when you have unanswered questions on body building. It also acts as a reference, somewhere where you can refer to for direction on your way to achieving your desired mass of body muscle. Sometimes, when you start out your body building program a lot of obstacles suddenly come out of nowhere. A body building encyclopedia should contain all information such that with a copy of it on your hands problem solving is easy. Firstly the encyclopedia should define exhaustively what body building is, elaborate the sport of body building and offer a differentiation of body building and related sports like weight lifting and body sculpting. It should also touch on the benefits of body building as an introduction. The body building encyclopedia should contain information on the right diet recommended for body builders. It should take into account the various proportions of proteins, carbohydrates, fats vitamins and minerals that a body builder requires in a day. In addition the body building encyclopedia will guide the reader into identifying foods that are locally available which contain the required diet. None the least it should warn the reader on those foods which are bound to slow down the achievement of body building goals In the bodybuilding encyclopedia, the reader will find information on artificial and natural bodybuilding supplements together with the pros and cons of using both the natural and artificial food supplements in body building. encyclopedia may indicate some of the stores where you can get these supplements together with the advised and rightful doses for taking the supplements. Covered in the body building encyclopedia is the routines and bodybuilding cycles of workouts that help bodybuilders achieve their goals. The encyclopedia explains the importance and benefit of each set of bodybuilding cycles and its applicability with the aide of structured illustrations and pictures. There may also be examples of renown body builders and their testimonies of what they have done to achieve the great bodies they have. It is crucial that the body building encyclopedia has information about body building and women. Perhaps it could discuss some of the existing myths about body building and womens health in a bid to shed light on what is fact and what is fiction. It should also tackle issue like womens reproduction health and its relationship with body building. Lastly the body building encyclopedia should offer a training guide to body building trainers as well as show the procedures followed in judging a body building competition. All this information should have references with the author quoting the source of the information. The body building encyclopedia can go ahead to recommend further reading from helpful books that have focused on the specific information. For instance the reader will be recommended to read on from diet books. At the end of the day getting your endeavored body muscle is your ultimate goal so if the body building encyclopedia can offer you all the support you need, then go ahead and get yourself a copy. BODY BUILDING SUPPLEMENTS NEEDED BY YOUR BODY Body building supplements come as additions to an already existing good nutrition and training program. Body building mostly entails proper nutrition and training. Body building supplements however do not make up for improper training, or a low quality diet but only work when your diet and your training program are optimal. Body building supplements are good because they prevent us from getting any nutritional deficiencies. The increased activity levels from your body building exercise program will make your body have greater demands for vitamins and minerals, which will increase the probability of you suffering a deficiency without supplementation. Every slight nutrient deficiency can sabotage muscle growth thus your body cannot solely rely on food nowadays to provide you with all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs because the processing of foods before they get to the supermarket, cooking, air, and even light have already robbed your foods of most of the vitamins that they have to offer. If you are deficient in one or more nutrients your body may not be able to build muscle and burn fat properly. Not all bodybuilding supplements are created equal though. Your will body always need some while others are more dependent upon what your goals are and what your budget looks like. There are different categories of body building supplements varying from those your body needs to use at all times and the ones you will take only when there is a need to. Your body requires basic body building supplements every day to help you gain muscle. You may as well leave on basic body building supplements alone depending on your finances. You may need to add multiple vitamin and vitamin formula to ensure that your body operates at maximum efficiency. These also help to convert the food you eat into hormones, tissues and energy. Your body as well requires vitamin body building supplements which are produced by both animals and vegetables. These function as enhancers of the actions of proteins that cause chemical reactions such as muscle building, fat burning and energy production. There are two major types of vitamins, the fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins. Never the less the body also needs mineral body building supplements whose main function is to ensure that your brain receives the correct signals from the body. Mineral body building supplements are also responsible for balancing of fluids, muscular contractions and energy production not forgetting the building of muscles and bones. Minerals, just like vitamins are divided into two categories. Bulk minerals are needed by the body in large quantities and contain chemicals like calcium magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. The body turns these minerals into energy. Trace minerals on the other hand are required in minimal amounts and are usually in the order of micro organisms like chromium, copper, cobalt, silicon, selenium, iron and zinc. You should however be very careful when buying body building supplements as some of the packs do not always contain what is written on the labels. Others come from very poor sources and are not absorbed in the body well. EFFECTS OF ANABOLIC STEROIDS ABUSE Just like a coin, anabolic steroids have two sides. They may be helpful to athletes, players and body builders in assisting them achieve the longed for winning performances but they have negative effects too. Before you embark on the use of anabolic steroids you may have to consider the following effects which apparently make the negative side of anabolic steroid use heavier than the positive one. Anabolic steroids inhibit natural hormones. Since the endocrine system of your body is responsible for balancing of hormones in the body, introduction of a new hormone makes it to stop the production of the natural hormone in order to maintain the balance. For instance injecting synthetic testosterone makes a mans endocrine system to stop producing the natural testosterone. These could make the man to have sexual dysfunctions. Almost every body who abuses anabolic steroids suffers liver damage. Most anabolic steroids which are ingested orally pass through the liver, which functions as the bodys filtration system. When something goes through the liver, it is broken down by various enzymes, and passed along into the bloodstream. Orally administered anabolic steroids elevate the liver enzymes following ingestion. The liver starts to wear out due to the anabolic steroids toxic productions. Eventually you may suffer liver cirrhosis The effects anabolic steroids have on men include the development of gynecomastia which is also known as feminization of the breast tissue in males. Anabolic steroids contain androgens which convert testosterone into estrogen. The excess estrogen then finds its way to the receptors in breast tissue and binds to them. This results in the possibility of female-like breast tissue. Male breast development occurs in basically the same way as female breast development, and the use of anabolic steroids can result in this happening at a later stage in life for males. At puberty a surplus of hormones all combine to stimulate the growth and development of breast tissue. Anabolic steroids can also cause the development of acne and the extent to which it is experienced can be due to a number of varying factors, with the particular steroids and exact dosages used being the two primary factors. The skins sebaceous glands have a particularly high affinity to testosterone, which is an androgen the body naturally produces. Increased sebaceous gland activity can make the skin oily. The oil in the skin combine with bacteria and dead skin caused by normal wear and tear, eventually causing pores to become clogged more quickly than the body can remove them. Among the effects of anabolic steroids in women is masculinization, or the development of male sexual characteristics. This side effect on women is often reversible after the cycle has ended. Some of the typical signs of masculinization are the development of a deeper voice, growth of facial hair, enlargement of external genitalia and possible male pattern baldness, or acne on the face or body. High blood pressure is possibly the most easily remedied of all anabolic steroid side effects. This commonly affects anabolic steroid using athletes attempting to gain maximum bulk to abstain from all aerobic activity which causes the body to work much harder to circulate blood. Also, the typical water and sodium retention induced by certain steroids can contribute to high blood pressure. Steroids Online Just like any other products and materials commonly used by man, steroids have found their way in to the internet. Marketers and drug store owners use this viable way to find market for steroids. This works as an advantage to any one out in the world that is in search for steroids. All you need is to have access to internet facilities and you can find steroids online. The internet can be offer a wide range of information varying from existing facts about steroids to new and viable markets where one can get cheap and legal steroids. Before you buy steroids online you must make sure that their source is legal. By obtaining steroids online from an illegal source you expose yourself to the risk of losing your job, acquiring health complications, a jail term sentence, or even something more dangerous like fakes that are ineffective and unsafe to take. To avoid facing any of these consequences its important to take note of the following pointers which are a guide to purchasing steroids online. The most common steroids online are the anabolic steroids. These are synthetically produced varieties of the male hormone called testosterone. Some of the most common steroids you can buy on the internet are anabolic steroids and they are synthetically produced varieties of the hormone called testosterone. You can use them for building tissues and muscles as well as to increase the prominence of masculine characteristics. Some online marketers may refer to them as androgenic-anabolic steroids while others may use names like gym candies, weight trainers, roids, Arnolds, stackers, juice or pumpers. All these names do refer to the same item. In countries where like the United States you may be required to have a doctors prescription to be able to acquire steroids online and use them legally. Buying prescribed steroids online is legal. You may however need to check with the authorities for existing drug laws in some countries to avoid getting into trouble. You should visit your physician for a thorough health check-up and evaluation before shopping for steroids online. This will help you determine if your body is allergic to any kind of steroids .The doctor can also advise you on which steroids are most compatible with your blood type. It is mandatory for patients of diabetes, HIV/AIDS and high blood pressure to have these check-ups and health evaluation since anabolic steroids could pose them the risk of worsening their conditions. No doctor will advise you to take anabolic steroids if you are below twenty one years of age since your body is not full developed just as you can not be allowed to buy steroids online. Remember to do a wide research on the internet and compare different markets before buying steroids online. You can also update your self on the latest developments on steroids and use them to improve your strength, stamina, agility and endurance. However as a consumer its important that to be very careful and be ware of internet fraudsters. Some pseudo companies advertising steroids online are just after stealing from gullible consumers. WOMEN AND BODY BUILDING If you are interested in the sport of body building, all you need to do is register or sign up in a gym. From there you will be allocated a trainer who takes you through the basic elements of body building. You also get to be introduced to other brave women in body building with whom you can look up to for encouragement. The first type of work outs you are likely to be introduced to are the cardio-vascular work outs. Women in body building go through cardio- vascular workouts to build energy on the lungs. Strong lungs will be necessary in the muscle gaining workouts that come later in training. They also prepare you for resistance workouts. Resistance workouts involve circuit training in which youll move from one exercise to another with little or no rest for one complete circuit, repeating the circuit up to four times. This type of workout is efficient and very effective. It takes little time, yet it works all of your major muscle groups so youll burn mega-calories. Each circuit contains 8 exercises which will become more difficult as you progress through the different fitness levels. Youll know youre ready to move to the next level when you can complete four full circuits of your current routine. It is important for women in body building to observe good nutrition and dietary habits as this is very much crucial in the sport. Besides work outs body building requires a strict adherence to the recommended diet. Your trainer may also advise you to buy food, vitamin and mineral supplements to enhance your exhausting body building activities. Eating the right quantities of carbohydrates, fats and proteins will help you to gain muscles faster than a body builder taking low or poor diets. Women in body building should however avoid the use of illegal anabolic steroids. Even though the promise of gaining a great mass of body muscle is very tempting, these anabolic substances come with their own consequences. Some are even very embarrassing for the users since they can not be covered, for instance if a woman in body building is using anabolic steroids, she is likely to develop a deep voice like that of men, facial hair and male partnered baldness. These are very embarrassing and incriminating evidence that the builder is using illegal anabolic steroids. Women in body building are a

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Evolution Of Quantity Surveying And Its Effects Construction Essay

Evolution Of Quantity Surveying And Its Effects Construction Essay Quantity implies amount, number, measure, extent, size, magnitude and mass. Surveyor denotes inspector, assessor, examiner, reviewer and evaluator. The name Quantity Surveyor was originally derived from the initial need for the profession; which is to prepare the Bill of Quantities from plans, describing the material, items of work and the quantities required. Builders also use the Bill of Quantities when submitting tenders in order to secure work. Currently, Quantity Surveyors functions involve numerous activities. It is these activities that far remove the profession from that of simple bean brick counting. With the changing environment, the quantity surveyor has evolved to satisfy the marketplace by filling the gaps across diverse industries, as is reflected in industry changes, title changes and education. Suitable titles have now become necessary, namely those of Construction Cost Consultants, Building or Construction Economists, Cost Engineers and Commercial Managers. The cluster sampling survey method was used, which involved pilot interviews and structured questionnaire surveys. Investigations were limited to the views expressed by both students of Quantity Surveying and professionals employed outside the traditional construction industry who were members of the South African Council of Quantity Surveyors, although the views of practitioners with no professional affiliations were also sought. Content analysis, descriptive statistics, multi-attribute techniques and rank correlation tests were used in the analysis of the research data. The Potential Outputs of my research this work in progress could include Changes in courses at tertiary institutions or the introduction of new courses, a name change for Quantity Surveying as a Profession. Keywords: Changing, Effects, Evolution, Quantity Surveying 1 Introduction Historically, the three major employers of Quantity Surveyors were; professional Quantity Surveying firms (PQS), municipalities and government departments, as well as construction and civil engineering companies . companies. Quantity surveyors are increasingly employed across several industries. Industries rang, ranginge from chemical e.g. Fluor, communications e.g. Telkom, electrical e.g. Eskom, Oil oil refineries e.g. Sapref. What does this mean regarding the demand for the profession? This report will also strive to ascertain what they are doing there, how they are valued and so forth. The option of working in an industry of your choosing elevates the status of quantity surveying as a profession. This should be tantamount to greater job opportunities and employment security, further enhancing quantity surveying as a target profession. How does this impact on students career choice? Due to the range of services currently provided, the profession is becoming less reliant on construction, as it places more emphasis on finance, which enables greater involvement in other industries such as insurance, banking, law, and property management. If in fact there are many other industries employing quantity surveyors, this spells good news for the profession. A knock on effect would be an increase in the number of students applying to study Quantity Surveying as a career, as it moves away from the traditional construction approach. Throughput rates will also be affected, as a greater number of students could havecould have access to in-service training earlier. For the long term, course material/notes might change/adapt to suit the various sectors, as each, having subtle differences in approaches would need the necessary Curriculum curriculum and syllabus changes. The Quantity Surveying profession is at an interesting stage, where opportunities and rewards will be high for those who are innovative, keen on research and willing to embrace the hallengeschallenges of the future and emerging technology. 2 Literature Review 2.1 The Establishment of Quantity Surveying There is a shortage of qualified Quantity Surveyors with good employment opportunities in various industries the (AIQS, 2010). Demand for qualified and experienced Quantity Surveyors has been high in recent years. Historically, this demand follows the fortunes of the building, construction and engineering industries. When industry booms, so does the need for Quantity Surveyors. By the middle of the 20th century Quantity surveying had evolved to a recognised profession in the construction industry (Ashworth and Willis, 1995). Quantity Surveying had developed into the traditional role of keeping accounts and controlling of construction costs for both the client and the builder. The prime role of the quantity surveyor pivots around the aspect of cost control of projects (Willis and Trench, 1999). From inception to completion necessitates a detailed knowledge of contractor s prices, experience of the construction process and an ability to foresee the likely effect of economic trends. Quantity surveyors are construction economists who fulfil varied and comprehensive duties to support cost-effective construction and property development projects (Ilias et al., 2010). The core competencies of quantity surveyors include determining project budgets, measuring project quantities, preparing contract documentation such as Bills of Quantities and cost control documents, administering contracts, and preparing final accounts. Despite being recognised as a professional discipline distinct from architecture and civil engineering since 1836, quantity surveyors are not immune to the threats and changes in their operating environment. Some parties in the construction industry have been critical about the quality of works and services provided by quantity surveyors. Some even question the importance of appointing quantity surveyors as project consultants. Because of these challenges, the profession needs to regroup and take stock of the whole situation so that they will not become extinct in the future, this includes all parties who have vested interest in the development of the profession, be it the students, educators and professionals. Every profession evolves in response to the ever-increasing changes in the global business environment (Marcel and Jasper, 2009). In order to remain relevant, globally competitive and successful, New Zealand Quantity Surveyors need to constantly scan their business landscape to discern new directions and to adapt to imminent changes in their professional practice. This study aims to investigate the current areas of, and future directions in, quantity surveying practice in the New Zealand construction industry; imminent opportunities and threats; and ways to proactively maximise the opportunities and minimise the threats. The results of a survey, based on a structured questionnaire reflecting 23 defined competencies, which were derived from the literature and from in-depth interviews with selected practitioners, indicated that technically orientated competencies were rated of highest importance for current services, while management orientated competencies were rated of higher importance for future services (Nkado and Meyer, 2001). Quantity surveying firms that offer services overseas have more staff than non-exporters .exporters. They also handle larger projects and offer a wider range of services (Florence Yean and Chan, 2008). Recent practice, however, has gone back to the original intent of value engineering, i.e., to improve the value of the end product or service (McDuff, 2001). This typically means that the client is going to receive more for their money because of the practice of value engineering. 2.2 Current and Future Trends of Quantity Surveying Quantity surveyors are also employed by large engineering companies as well as and housing agencies (AGCAS, 1994). Specialist home builders seek the expertise of quantity surveyors, as do some trading agencies, including any public committees who control extensive property investments. Multinational mechanical contractors and energy conglomerates regularly employ quantity surveyors under the unconventional title of Cost Engineer. The University of Salford is offering post graduate Electrical Quantity Surveying courses, Mechanical Quantity Surveying courses and Electrical Mechanical Quantity Surveying courses (Salford, 2011). These courses are accredited by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. The MSc Quantity Surveying in Mechanical Electrical programme is aimed at the mechanical and electrical sectors. Due to the increased importance on low carbon emissions and sustainability in the modern built environment, new roles are emerging for the Mechanical Electrical Quantity Surveyor in the areas of renewable energy, sustainability, low carbon technologies and energy management involved in the provision of careers and employability. With buildings accounting for around 50% of all carbon emissions, the quantity surveyor plays a significant role in combating climate change. The need for Quantity Surveyors is relatively consistent (AIQS, 2010). The range of services provided by the profession has become less dependent on the level of construction but more on finance and property management. Quantity surveyors are known by various names, as they are also called Construction Cost Consultants, Building / Construction Economists, Cost Engineers and Estimators. The Quantity Surveying profession is at an interesting stage, where opportunities and rewards will be high for those who are innovative, keen on research and willing to embrace the challenges of the future and emerging technology. A description of the quantity surveying profession states that, Quantity Surveyors get a lot more involved in all aspects of construction as well as other industries such as insurance, banking, law etc. (University, 2010). An article in a career recruitment company further speaks of a Chartered Quantity Surveyor working as a Commercial Manager (Kempthorne, 2010). As a job description for a Quantity Surveying role, it was stipulated that market need creates evolved Quantity Surveyors (Construction, 2011). Quantity Surveyors meet the ever evolving needs of their clients, offering a vast range of services as depicted in the following website article (Brown, 2010). Today several Quantity Surveyors have explored opportunities out of the boundaries of construction industry, examples being the financial industry, insurance industry, manufacturing industry and real estate sector. (NISA et al., 2006). As emphasised, being one of the key professional experts in the construction sector, Quantity Surveyors have the utmost responsibility to address the key cost, financial and contractual issues of the construction process, which is always highly influenced by the environmental parameters, which are very sensitive to changes and are unique for every project (Senaratne and Sabesan, 2008). The new approaches in construction culture, procurement strategies, changing markets, delivering added value and supply chain management, partnering, private finance initiatives have directed the construction industry towards a new route of evolvement (Cartlidge, 2002). The importance of this is further emphasised due to the declining role of manufacturing and increasing growth in the service sector of the economy .economy. In order to subsist and grow in the future, quantity surveying profession has the utmost necessity to respond to the accelerating social, technological, economical and environmental changes quickly as well as productively (Surveyors, 1992). Since the needs and expectations of the clients are ever changing facts, in order to compete and to excel in the profession, quantity surveyors have to acquire and operate wide range of diverse skills outside the normal traditional Quantity Surveying role (Pathirage and Amaratunga, 2006). The changing nature of the construction and development industry such as the adoption of innovative technological processes and development, the emergence of highly focused professionals and the full range of advanced technologies will necessitate a much stronger emphasis on job competencies than ever before (Lenard, 2000). The findings are important given the increasing globalization of construction services, especially given the international ties between designers, quantity surveyors and other built environment professionals (Bowen et al., 2010) .

Monday, August 19, 2019

Death Penalty - Herrera vs Collins Essay -- Capital Punishment Essays

Death Penalty - Herrera vs Collins The Supreme Court addressed the constitutionality of executing someone who claimed actual innocence in Herrera v. Collins (506 U.S. 390 (1993)). Although the Court left open the possibility that the Constitution bars the execution of someone who conclusively demonstrates that he or she is actually innocent, the Court noted that such cases would be very rare. The Court held that, in the absence of other constitutional violations, new evidence of innocence is no reason for federal courts to order a new trial. The Court also held that an innocent inmate could seek to prevent his execution through the clemency process, which, historically, has been "the 'fail safe' in our justice system." Herrera was not granted clemency, and was executed in 1993.. Since Herrera, concern regarding the possibility of executing the innocent has grown. Currently, more than 80 death row inmates have been released because of innocence since 1973. In November, 1998 Northwestern University held the first-ever National Conference on Wrongful Convictions and the Death Penalty, in Chicago, Illinois. The Conference, which drew nationwide attention, brought together 30 of these wrongfully convicted inmates who were exonerated and released from death row. Many of these cases were discovered not as the result of the justice system, but instead as the result of new scientific techniques, investigations by journalism students, and the work of volunteer attorneys. These resources are not available to the typical death row inmate. Public Support Support for the death penalty has fluctuated throughout the century. According to Gallup surveys, in 1936 61% of Americans favored the death penalty for persons convicted of murder... ... retain the death penalty, including China, Iran, and the United States, all of which rank among the highest for international executions in 1998. (Amnesty International, 1999) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources Amnesty International, "List of Abolitionist and Retentionist Countries," Report ACT 50/01/99, April 1999 D. Baker: "A Descriptive Profile and Socio-Historical Analysis of Female Executions in the United States: 1632-1997"; 10(3) Women and Criminal Justice 57 (1999) R. Bohm, "Deathquest: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Capital Punishment in the United States," Anderson Publishing, 1999. "The Death Penalty in America: Current Controversies," H. Bedau, editor, Oxford University Press, 1997. K. O'Shea, "Women and the Death Penalty in the United States, 1900-1998," Praeger 1999.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Greek :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Othello is a perfect example of Greek tragedy. It embodies all the essential parts needed to produce a Greek tragedy. A hero of noble birth, his tragic flaw and the reversal and recognition. Fitting a Greek tragedy Othello starts in the middle of an event. Othello’s marriage to Desdemona. Iago keeps us informed how and when things are going to happen. Everything is explained through dialogue. Iago tells the audience how things are going to play out in Act II, scene 1, lines 288 through 314, where he says†¦.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That Cassio loves her, I do well believe’t;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That she loves him, ‘tis apt and of great credit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Moor, howbeit that I endure him not,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is of a constant, loving, noble nature,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And I dare think he’ll prove to Desdemona   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A most dear husband. Now I do love her too;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not out of absolute lust, though peradventure   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I stand accountant for as great a sin,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But partly led to diet my revenge,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For that I do suspect the lusty Moor   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hath leaped into my seat; the thought whereof   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And nothing can or shall content my soul   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Till I am evened with him, wife for wife;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Or failing so, yet that I put the Moor   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At least into a jealousy so strong   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That judgment cannot cure. Which thing to do,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If this poor trash of Venice, whom I trash   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For his quick hunting, stand the putting on,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I’ll have our Michael Casio on the hip,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abuse him to the Moor in the rank garb   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (For I fear Cassio with my nightcap too),   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And practicing upon his peace and quiet   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even to madness. This here, but yet confused:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Knavery’s plain face is never seen till used.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Othello’s flaw is jealousy, in the beginning its not even an issue for him. However when Iago began to plant poisonous seeds of doubt in Othello’s mind, it doesn’t take long for the green eyed monster to rear it’s ugly head. During the crisis to the extreme killing of Desdemona. However in the time period when this story takes place, it was acceptable and common for husbands to kill their wives if they tarnished their husband’s good name. After Othello kills her the falling action began to take place when Othello finds out that he has been betrayed in Act 5, scene II, beginning at line 170. During the falling action you feel pity for Othello even though he murdered Desdemona.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Corporate Social Responsability for Supermarkets

This essay will introduce analysis of the UK supermarket sector and its impacts on a wide range of stakeholders . The responsibility for buying and selling is rapidly shifting. In today’s rising global community, supermarkets have embraced corporate social responsibility as an important element of their original role in contributing to shared goals, however in addition it enhances their capacity to the base line. In addition, trade seeks to establish their own values of corporate individuality while at the same time maintain public and ecological values and increase their market growth.Corporate social responsibility of supermarkets can mean different things to different groups and sectors. However there is universal agreement that in a global market system, supermarkets must play great role by creating jobs. By acting in responsible manner corporation must facilitate sustainable growth. (Deal, 1999) As a result, corporate performance must not just guarantee returns to shareho lders, wages to employees, plus goods and services to shoppers, thus must also accommodate the ecological concerns and values of consumers.An explanation of food provenance chart as an example of the influence of CSR, is provided below showing the difference in consumer choice in different ranks in UK supermarkets. In order to demonstrate importance of the CSR: % Factors in food and drink purchases, by rank, December 2007 Food provenance-UK- March 2008- What do Shoppers Consider Most important? The findings of this line graph, shows the consumer interest in home grown British food rather than foreign origin product.The supermarket structured business procedures and the environmental campaigns, to support British produce are the key reasons for this. This report also demonstrates the market repose to a consumer demand for particular products by offering quality food and drinks. UK leading supermarkets as well as corporations require to supervise corporate social responsibility as any other part of their food sales. Supermarkets are faced by means of a triple bottom line, to advance inexpensively, as well as being environmentally plus equally accountable.The growth of sales in social and financial growth is likely to continue. (Freedman, 2000) Why must supermarket be socially responsible? The initial part of the Roundtable focused on the query of how to describe what a socially responsible corporation is, and what a supermarkets does to be measured socially responsible. Even before to answer that question, a few people may ask, why a corporation have to be considering this subject? The reply is tied to globalisation. Globalisation is not just regarding the world nations, it is the consequence on appearance of a global civil society. Giddens, 1998) The world has been transformed due to globalisation, plus by the prosperity of this the environment in supermarkets. Solutions to consumer problems were to be established inside the free market structure and trade. The shopper’s influence on UK supermarkets in food factors at the different societies measured by ranks in 2007, can be seen in the chart below: % Factors in food and drink purchases, by rank, December 2007 The UK survey in 2007 sought to address what is important to customers when they choose foods. To make very clear customer preference, all food ranks has been used for this column table.Regards consumer perceptions of food, most of shoppers are willing to pay 10% more for British origin, organic or any other quality food, compare to conventional food (Wealtherel, 2003) The food industry faces many significant risks from public criticism of corporate social responsibility issues in the supply chain. Private standards initiative abound in food chains as retailers and brands seek to minimise the risks and also respond to new demands from society. The representation of a new form of regulation, which raises questions regarding domination in the UK supermarkets.Supermarkets have a tendency to maximise profits and concentrate on all concerns of consumer benefit, the interests of all consumers required to be considered in today’s UK supermarket systems. Globalisation has changed the inner power relations border by and inside supermarkets, and in the community as a whole. At the same time, in the late 1980s, the disagreement on corporate governance assembled power in the United States and in the United Kingdom, mainly in reply to corporate crush, corporate invaders and destabilised along, with aining as well as trade deception and dishonesty. Globalisation and the souk were placed an influence in the hands of the classified sector, however public disbelieve in the consistency and honesty of corporations was well-known and widespread. Concerns of responsibility, standard setting, plus globalism were core to the debate.It became obvious that supermarkets might no longer supervise the consequences of their trade, just by paying taxes and comply with nationa l rules. They are likely to take on better responsibilities for supervising their contact on community. Joseph, 2000) Trade itself in a course of development, practices and performance to convene the original anticipations of communities and community on it. At the same time as technological forces will carry on to force supermarkets to be internationally incorporated, law-making and shopper demand requires to be much further in the consumer field, and behave as a socially responsible company, therefore is becoming ever more challenging for supermarkets. A difficulty and the challenge for remaining markets with the regulations of CSR, in UK and abroad.Augmented public interest affects the method in which companies endorse their proposals. Policies that insist on corporation positive and politically right standards, such as hiring a public minorities or buying goods as of a precise basis, at times be undermining to its productivity and advantage of products. Usually profit-seeking su permarkets through demanding presentation should in addition to confront the shoppers. Deciding on which advance to take, is exclusive to each supermarket and depends on the trade distribution in which the business is situated.Redefining administration roles in the supermarket itself is not an option, however a need. Businesses will require to adjust and create a novel organisational representation for the 21st century. They require to develop efficiency in management, and apparent domination processes all through their organisation. (OECD, 2000) Socially liable supermarkets have to employ their workers worldwide in a business dream and mission declaration that promotes sustainable and enhanced excellence of life for all countries, for all workers, despite of their location.Becoming a global consistency is publicly reasonable and not just a public relations matter. Supermarkets are taking on the challenge by engaging as much as a possible with shopper, in addition to be able to have a positive impact on public relations and support by other sectors of community. Therefore, even though corporate social responsibility adjustments made by government in both the UK and Europe, supermarket trades still have to be concerned. Governments require to produce a strategy to structure whatever the trade and labour can negotiate situations in supermarkets.This requires a variety of legislative methods to be implemented in the country. It is obvious that there cannot be a, one measurement fits all, advance and assurance in trade behaviour, however there is a universal accord that there is a requirement for clarity of strategy and principles. In addition to the codes of conduct that an approved method is definitely wishes to be recognized in this region, so that social achievement plans can be developed plus social action have to become the standard.Developing finest practices for corporate behaviour will not ensue straight away, however by sticking to essential values, as a minimum move in the similar course in the direction of becoming a liable social related. (Oecd, 2000) The food industry faces many significant risks from public criticism of corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in the supply chain. This paper draws upon previous research and emerging industry trends to develop a comprehensive framework of supply chain CSR in the industry.The framework details unique CSR applications in the food supply chain including animal welfare, biotechnology, environment, fair trade, health and safety, and labour and human rights. General supply chain CSR issues such as community and procurement are also considered. Ultimately, the framework serves as a comprehensive tool to support food industry practitioners and researchers in the assessment of strategic and operational supply chain CSR practices.