Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A False Utopia Essays - Fiction, Literature, Utopian Novels, Operas

A False Utopia In Brave New World, their society is supposed to be a utopia. In actuality, it is far from a utopia because a state of utopia can never really be reached. There will always be factors, however minuscule they might be, that will affect the balance of perfection that makes up a utopia. It is impossible for a state of perfection to exist in this world and we learn this through the situations and characters in Brave New World. One of the characters in Brave New World that infringe upon the balance of perfection is Bernard. Bernard is the type of man that questions and analyzes everything. He is also shy and insecure. Bernard is the epitome of what the establishment does not want a person to be like. When Bernard ordered somebody to perform a certain task, one of the people glanced at him. "Was that a kind of bestial derision that he detected in those blank, gray eyes" (pg. 65)? So he shouted, "hurry up" with an "ugly rasp in his voice" (pg.65). His frustrations and insecurities drove him to scream at the worker, in turn, affecting the utopia in a negative way. The Deltas became extremely frustrated when John discarded all of their soma. They "charged with a redoubled fury" at him (pg.219). The Deltas couldn't live without their soma. Like people that are addicted to drugs, they need it to function properly. The minute they thought that they were going to have to be without it, they completely lost their minds. The fact that they couldn't have any soma immediately put the utopia in jeopardy. The people's freedom is also in jeopardy. They cannot understand the concept of liberty. The people are not even free to study the works of Shakespeare. The controller stated, "we sacrifice high art" (pg. 226). They sacrificed art and everything beautiful to achieve their mock utopia. How can a utopia exist without freedom of expression? Since the people are in a drug induced state of bliss, they cannot create things with feeling and painful emotion. They cannot write depressing things if they are always happy. There is no spirituality in their utopia. Expression has no place in their utopia, therefor the Brave New world cannot really be perfect. Brave New world is far from perfection. Their society is as far from reaching a state of utopia as ours is. As long as we are human and posses human defects and inhibitions, we will never achieve a utopia. A state of harmony and perfection will never be reached.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Steps to christ Essays

Steps to christ Essays Steps to christ Essay Steps to christ Essay Logged So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, ay, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. Luke 17:10 A1 Full Member posts: 107 R Inlra Quarter2U ss LESSON 12ReTormatlonHeallng Broken Relationships ? « Reply #5 on: september 14, 2013, PM ? » Wally thanks for clearing this up as I was getting a little confused. But I would still like for Ed to clarify his statements as I was not sure what he was referring to. Sunday September 15 Quote This desertion caused Paul to Judge Mark unfavorably, and even severely, for a time. Barnabas, on the other hand, was inclined to excuse him because of his inexperience. He felt anxious that Mark should not abandon the ministry, for he saw in him qualifications that would fit him to be a useful worker for Christ. -Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, p. 170. Acts 1 5:39 And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus; This is a difficult situation because the discussion had to do with taking Mark with them on their mission trip. As it had been noted Paul has sthrong feelings about his position and so did Barnabas. Under these circumstances it seemed as if there was o other way except for the men to separate. Ccould this situation be taken care of without the sharp contention? On the bottom of Sabbaths lesson we are reminded By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another Oohn 13:35, NKJV). Without this love, all our talk about revival and reformation will come to naught. Christians at home and at church sometimes display sthrong ideas ( both parties think they are right) about certain things and it very often can lead to sharp contention and if allowed to continue to separation. While conflict of itself is not sin the attitudes in hich we handle conflict can be sinful. How can we handle situations dealing with disagreement so that we can give glory to God? Latter Paul reaches out to Mark healing the relationship. The ministry of reconciliation is about bringing about healing and right relationships. The word reconcile mearns to change mutually or to compound a difference or to receive into favour. How can we compound a difference? Do we love only those who agree with Sundays Questions How can we learn to forgive those who have hurt or disappointed us? At the same time, why does forgiveness not always include a complete restoration of a previous elatlonsnlp? wny does It not always need These are very good questions in Mark 18:21 Peter is asking Christ about how many times he should forgive someone. Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? ill seven times? What was Christs reply? Logged Jesus looked upon the distressed and heart burdened, those whose hopes were blighted, and who with earthly Joys were seeking to quiet the longing of the soul, and He invited all to find rest in Him. {DA 328. 3} Mimi Assistant Administrator posts: 26875 www. remnant-online. org Relationships ? « Reply on: september 14, 2013, PM ? » It is in Matthew. Matthewl 8:22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. Our fallen nature wants to rear up when we have sharp differences with the brethren. This is where the fruit of the Spirit comes in. In Christ, we have them and we deal with the brethren in a very different manner than if we Just want to win the argument and let our fallen natures have sway. And I can tell you, separation is quite necessary in many circumstances until these differences can be mended. Once upon a time a saint had the audacity to tell me I was not converted. Excuse e? What do you mean, I am not converted? Of course, Im converted! Well, apparently I was not acting in a manner of a converted person that day. My attitude was not consistent with the fruit of the Spirit. I stayed away from that person for quite some time. After much studying and heart searching, it dawned upon me that pride had blinded me to a bad attitude prevalent in the unconverted, so I repented and was reconverted and healed my relationship with the saint and thanked them for their painful, yet necessary rebuke. All relatlonsnlps are Important, out tnose witn tne salnts are especlally Important. They love us enough to tell us the truth. Logged Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23, 24 Richard Myers Servant posts: 33532 A glorious sunset teaches of trust and faith. Relationships ? « Reply #7 on: september 14, 2013, PM ? » Amen, Mimi! Oh, that all would be faithful with me. That happened today and I am so very thankful. I was in a wrong position with God and man, and one was so very wise in telling me so. The reproach I brought upon Jesus is something that I am so very sorry for. But, the Laodicean who refuses to acknowledge his sin, retains his sin and continues to bring reproach upon Christ, His church, and the truth. The Bible is true. Sadly too many who profess to believe it, reject it so very often. He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot. Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Give instruction toa wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a Just man, and he will increase in learning. Proverbs 9:7-9. How is it today with you? Do you hate being taught? Do you hate being reproved? Does pride stand in the way of admitting error, a mistake, or sin? If so, the answer which is always the same is Jesus. Not a profession of faith, but the real abiding presence of Jesus in the heart. That is what the call for revival and reformation is all about, a new life in Christ Jesus. That is what this quarters lesson is all about. We need to see our need of Jesus to do any good thing. Without Jesus abiding in the heart we are what Paul describes in Romans seven. Either we believe we are alive because the commandment has not come home to our hearts or we are dead in respasses and sins attempting to keep the law without our Saviors help. Logged Im going home SOON, come along!! igina posts: 220 12ReTormatlonHeallng Broken Relationships ? « Reply on: september 15, 2013, AM ? » The nature out God does not condone sin. for it seeks out sin and devours it. Yet merciful Christ always seeks to reconcile created beings with the Father. He tried it with satan but in vain. And now He is doing it with us. He shows us how to do it by taking our very own body! We of the temple of God are building blocks f itting into the different facets therefore are different in all ways except the bond that binds us! In these differences we may err, cause others to err or others err against us. e may hurt or be hurt. The one thing we must learn to do is accept our positions. There are those gifted in resolving conflict, there are mentors in our midst, there are those who are able to nourish us with such good counsel! We should recognize all these in us and use them. To pastor Finleys question on Friday on what is ailing the church today it is Love! there is no Lob in the church that selfless love of Christ is not there in me and you! Whether in a big way or a small way we need to express this love. and nless we do revival well be far from us reformation will be but a Magee! There is no end to discovering this Love it is infinite we can never fully give it. But if we applied ourselves to giving even the smallest measure of this Love the world will know the one to whom we render service Logged A glorious sunset teaches of trust and faith.. Relationships ? « Reply on: september 15, 2013, PM ? » Amen, wigina. But, we have not this love to give. It is good to try and love your enemy, for it is a lesson in the impossible. There is only one way we can have this true love for those who despitefully use us. It is the evidence of true conversion. It is only when we are fully surrendered and self is hidden in Christ, that we have this love for others. Romans seven is the experience of all who are not in a converted state who know they cannot keep the law of God, but must to enter heaven. And. it is not salvation by works by any mearns. Keeping the law of God earns nothings. It is the fruit of salvation, not a mearns of salvation. Good fruit comes from a good tree. We are not good trees in and of ourselves. We need to die to self and become partakers of the divine nature that we may have the mind of Christ. Then, we can love as Jesus oves. It is Christ not l. When Moses near the end of his life struck the Rock, he did not have this love we speak of. No, he hated those for whom Christ died. He was angry with them. He was prlaeTul. Wltnout tnls love, we are none 0T HIS. we must De re-convertea IT we naa ever truly been converted in the past. Moses had been. He had been faithful in all of the house of the Lord. So, he understood his need of Jesus to do any good thing. He had let his mind wander away from Jesus. And, when the Spirit of God reached him, and the still small voice revealed his condemnation, it was a habit of Moses to turn to Christ. His repentance was quick and deep. When we sin, and are convicted that we have, what is our response? Do we do as did Moses? Do we fall on our faces and acknowledge our sin, or do we make excuses and think we are not under condemnation? That we may sin and escape condemnation? The wages of sin is what it always has been, death. The only way to be forgiven our sins, is to repent of our sins. And we do not have this repentance until we return to Christ. It is His grace that leads us to repentance. After almost 170 years, you would think that this gospel of grace would be well understood in the church. But, then if after almost 2,000 years the Jews had so perverted the gospel that they put to death the Son of God, why would we think we would be less prone to forget what great things God has done for us? The angels in heaven wonder at our dullness and I am sure they are surprised that any of us could be saved. But, they never tire of encouraging us to flee to Jesus. And, when one of us poor mortals does indeed cease resisting the love of our Savior, all heaven stops to rejoice. We deny Jesus His reward for all of His suffering when we sin. If we would think about that, it would encourage us to hasten to Christ the next time we sin. Or, even better, it may encourage us all to fall at the foot of cross so that we do not openly crucify our Savior again. It would be good to spend a thoughtful hour a day contemplating this great love whereby we are converted. Logged Philemon Had always wondered about the book of Philemon! Until the weeks ago I read it again and again! Many of us are employers for we at one time employ Nannies, farm hands and various other workers to do what are consideredodd Jobs what is your relationship with these people? Jesus went to them! Do we neglect them? Do we share with them? WE Need to reexamine these relationships betweenMaster and ervant at whatever level for this is part of or object lesson in the love of Christ. Angels are always ready to do Christs bidding why? is it because h He is their Master? R n Myers lc ara Relationships ? « Reply #11 on: September 16, 2013, 11:26:38 AM ? » Good point, wigina. Christ came to this Earth as an unwearied Servant of man. Ought we to emulate Him? Yes, wigina, the Lord of the universe is their Master. The question be answered is why do they choose Him as Master? I wonder if what Jesus did down here on this Earth has anything to do with their decision to serve Him as Master? Logged Relationships ? « Reply on: september 16, 2013, 03:01 PM ? » I Wonder too! I also wonder what Jesus was able to do for then when they were in the constant spotlight of the accuser!? They will tell us shortly! I certainly plan to ask or maybe I wont ask it will be shown me without asking and I will simply worship and adore!! Logged Iuliusnyar Regular Member Posts: 14 Relationships ? « Reply #13 on: September 19, 2013, 11:1 1 AM ? » Thanks a lot for the comments so far in this week lesson we are getting blessed. Jesus while being nailed on the cross said that God forgive them for they know not what they are doing. When we deserved to die eternally Jesus offered to die on our behalf to redeem us. We can only fforgive those who wrong us if Gods Holy Spirit dwells in us. lf possible please Richard postthe full lesson for this week for it helps me a lot as I prepare Tor tne class I teacn every sa Loggea Relationships ? « Reply on: september 19, 2013, PM ? » Sorry to get behind Julius, but am sitting in the ICU with my son. I will try to do some of the lessons tonight. Your prayers are appreciated. Logged Re: Third Quarter2013SDA SS LESSON 12ReformanonHealtng Broken SABBATH AFTERNOON Read for This weeks study: 2 Tim. M 1, Philem. 1:1-25, 2 cor. 10:12-15, Rom. 5+11, Matt. 18:15-17. Memory Text: For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life (Romans 5:10, NKJV). Even after Pentecost, the relationship between believers was at times strained. The New Testament records rrepeated examples of the way that church leaders and individual members dealt with such challenges. These principles are extremely valuable for the church today. They reveal the positive results that can come when we use biblical principles to deal with conflicts. In this weeks lesson we will focus on restored relationships. Great spiritual revivals In tne past Tosterea nealea relatlonsnlps. Movements 0T tne Holy splrlt Involve bringing people closer to God and to one another. They include breaking down the barriers in our relationship with God and breaking down barriers in our relationships with one another. In short, the greatest demonstration of the power of the gospel is not necessarily what the church says but how the church lives . y this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another Oohn And why is this so? Because without this love, there is no conversion. The good works seen in the Christians life does not save the sinner, it is a revelation that he is in a saved or converted condition. When a man is born of the Spirit, he has the Spirit in his heart. Therefore, he is a new creature in Christ Jesus, and all of the fruits of His Spirit are seen in the life, not one is missing. If there is a need for revival, then there is a need for conversion. No love, no conversion. No conversion, no revival. Logged Relationships ? «Reply on: september 19, 2013, PM ? » We will pray for your son our God is the greatest physician I believe he will get him ut of ICU.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Education Should be privatized as it is a privilege not a right Essay

Education Should be privatized as it is a privilege not a right - Essay Example Firstly, private schools offer quality and good education that meets the students’ needs in the society. Unlike public schools, private schools have developed a personal approach to learning. Through this approach, learners have many benefits in linking education demands and the job market skills. Meryzn & Ursprung (2005) note that the United States public schools have been an example of the economics of education because of poor quality that do not match the financial allocation by the government. The quality of education can be seen in three approaches. One is quality, this is education that is a personalized, economical and able ensures the needs of students. It is an education system that can make sense in objectives and the societal demands. In order to achieve these good goals of education, some scholars have said that privatization of education is a good step that will make good purpose of education. Brown (2013) Education should not be seen as a right, today there are many great business persons and known sportsmen who have made an immense contribution to the economy without necessarily going to schools (Davidsona 2010). According to National Center for Education Statistics Report 2010 it identified many stidents in public schools as a big problem for the quality of education (Espiona & Gonzalez 2013). The report said that, private schools have half of the public school population. Schools and classes are smaller in the private institution leading to personal teaching that touches the classroom activities. The teacher-student ratio is more favorable, mostly they have a numbers of 1:9 that allows economic value of the parents money. Many public both primary and secondary schools have a ratio of 1:19, meaning there is an acute shortage, and the quality of education is quite low (Brown 2013). Public schools continue to have a big number of students that do not learn due to the big numbers as compared to the teachers. These

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research Topic Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Topic - Research Paper Example For the topic that I proposed initially, I can propose the following research question and hypothesis. Research Question: What are the underlying factors why increasing numbers of youth in the inner cities of America are at risk of dropping out of school? In addition, the following two secondary research questions will form the foundation for this project: 1) What programs today are proving effective at keeping at-risk students interested and motivated enough to stay in school through to graduation? 2) What community initiatives need to be developed to help local educational institutions identify at-risk students and propose strategies aimed at providing intervention strategies aimed at keeping young people in school? Hypothesis: The at-risk population in America continues to grow because of changing family dynamics and a lack of effective programming options aimed at keeping young people in school. The problem is that high school students around the country are dropping out of schoo l at alarming rates (Bracy, 2006). Society increasingly perceived that public schools are not living up to the expectations and needs of communities across the country. Recent years, therefore, have seen a dramatic increase in the number of intervention strategies and programs designed to keep young people in school. ... erned stakeholders, namely the public at large, sincerely hope that these new initiatives will provide a much needed spark to the role that education plays in society and, in particular, to the at-risk student population. The purpose of this non-experimental, mixed qualitative and quantitative research study will be to identify the traits inherent in successful programs targeting at-risk students. The goal will be to specifically determine which areas are proving effective in terms of keep at-risk students in schools. Existing statistical data will be reviewed, along with personal interviews being conducted, to determine some effective strategies that are currently being employed. The effectiveness or ineffectiveness of such programs and initiatives will be determined through a combination of research and personal interviews. The interviews will be valuable because they will help to support the premise of which programs are succeeding and why. Interviews will also reflect the current climate of the at-risk student population and will help point out the various factors that either contributes to a program’s success or failure. An important item of note is that interviews and questionnaires will only be conducted with select educators and concerned adults. No student will be contact for participation in this study. It is important to focus on why programs designed for at-risk students are either effective or ineffective. This begins with an examination and understanding of they key characteristics of the at-risk student. That will form the basis for the study. The qualitative data gathered during this study will then be used to determine how programs and initiatives can be implemented more effectively in an attempt to help students succeed in high school. If a program

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Case Study Essay Example for Free

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Case Study Essay 1. How did DFCI come about? The Dana-Faber, as it is commonly known, was originally established as the Children’s Cancer Research Foundation in 1947 by Dr. Sidney Farber, then a pathologist at Boston’s Children’s Hospital. In the 1940’s the only treatment for cancer were surgical removal of tumors and radiation therapy. Cancers that had metastasized were regarded as incurable. Dr. Farber’s vision was that children’s cancer, particularly systemic cancers such as leukemia, could be cured if researchers and clinicians worked as a team. He envisioned the union of research laboratories and patient care. As David Nathan, CEO of the Dana- Faber since 1995, explained, â€Å"The problems of the patients would be brought up to the labs and ideas from the labs would go down to the patients.† The history of the Dana-Faber is intimately tied to history of its funding. Initial funding for the Children’s Cancer Research Foundation came from the Variety Club of New England. In 1948, the Variety Club organized a radio broadcast from the bedside of a young patient with lymphoma known as â€Å"Jimmy† as he was visited by members of the Boston Braves baseball team. The donations that poured in to buy Jimmy a TV set on which to watch Braves’ games were the beginning of the subsequently became the official charity of the Boston Red Sox, Ted Williams and the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association. In 1974, the institution’s name was changed to the Sidney Faber Cancer Center to honor its founder, and in 1983, the name was changed to the Dana-Faber Cancer Institute to acknowledge the major contributions made over twenty years by the Charles A. Dana Foundation. The first Children’s Cancer Research Foundation facility, the Jimmy Fund building, was built in 1951 and housed research laboratories. It was expanded in the 1960s to include outpatient services, mostly for children. According to Dr. Faber’s original vision, the organization was to consist of research laboratories and outpatient clinics, but not inpatient beds. Inpatient care was provided at Children’s Hospital. However, as research and patient care grew to include adult patients, the doctors at the Dana-Faber were faced with the problem of where to admit adult patients. In particular, the new technique of bone marrow transplant (BMT) required the patient services of a general hospital. A joint program existed between the  Dana-Faber and the Hematology Department at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. However when the BWH would not permit Dana-Faber physicians to admit patients and retain control of their clinical care, the Dana-Faber decided to open its own inpatient service, initially for BMT patients in 1979, and later, for general oncology patients. In fact, the system for hospital reimbursement in effect since 1983 favored the opening of inpatient beds at the Dana-Faber. General hospitals, such as the Brigham and Women’s, are reimbursed for all Medicare and many non-Medicare patients on a DRG basis. On the other hand, specialty hospitals, such as the Dana-Faber, were permitted to charge Medicare and other insurer’s full costs. This revenue allowed the Dana-Faber to finance its expansion. The institute roughly doubled in size between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, the Dana-Farber had 57 licensed beds, 2,088 inpatient admissions and 55,427 outpatient visits. 2.What was the hospital’s primary mission The Dana-Faber, as it is commonly known, was originally established as the Children’s Cancer Research Foundation in 1947 by Dr. Sidney Farber, then a pathologist at Boston’s Children’s Hospital. In the 1940’s the only treatment for cancer were surgical removal of tumors and radiation therapy. Cancers that had metastasized were regarded as incurable. Dr. Farber’s vision was that children’s cancer, particularly systemic cancers such as leukemia, could be cured if researchers and clinicians worked as a team. He envisioned the union of research laboratories and patient care. As David Nathan, CEO of the Dana- Faber since 1995, explained, â€Å"The problems of the patients would be brought up to the labs and ideas from the labs would go down to the patients.† 3.How did the mission evolve? 4.Explain Phase I II clinical research trials. Phase I and II trails are designed to understand the effects of a drug in the human body. They examine the toxicity and effectiveness of the drug and the way that the body metabolizes the drug. Phase I trails require that blood  samples be drawn as often as every few minutes for a period of several hours. Phase II trials are undertaken after a drug has been tested in a small group of people and the correct dosage has been established. They examine the efficacy of the treatment in a larger sample of patients. Phase II trails compare this drug treatment to patients who are receiving conventional therapy. All trails are implemented using a research protocol, a lengthy and detailed document that describes the following: 1.The objectives of the research and its rationale 2.The details of the drugs to be administered (dosage, frequency and route of administration), including the way in which the correct dose is to be calculated for any individual patient 3.The treatment to be administered (either investigational or conventional) 4.The criteria by which eligible patients are identified as potential candidates for the trail 5.The method of randomly assigning patients to the intervention and control arms of the trail 6.The endpoints being measured 7.The way in which the wellbeing of patients will be monitored over time (type and frequency of labs tests). 5.Explain how chemotherapy works. Cancers whose growth is restricted to a local area can be removed surgically. Those that are localized, such as malignancies of the blood and cancers that have already spread to distant sites are treated with chemotherapy. Most chemotherapeutic agents block essential process by which cells replicate, and therefore kills all replicating cells. Because cells in the cancer are replicating at a greater rate than noncancerous cells, the cancerous cells are killed preferentially. But chemotherapeutic agents are also harmful to normal cells, especially those with higher rates of turnover, such as the cells lining the intestines and white blood cells, a component of the immune system. Common side effects of chemotherapy include immune suppression, nausea and hair loss. The extent of these side effects is related to the dose of the drugs. Less common toxicities related to these drugs include heart and ling dysfunction. Chemotherapy is usually delivered in courses, each lasting several days, every few weeks. The time  off the drugs allows normal tissues time to recover. White blood cells numbers decrease after each course of chemotherapy and recover in the intervening days. Each course is preceded by blood test to check that the white blood cell numbers are back up to the normal range, and that heart, liver, and kidney function are not disturbed. The dose of chemotherapy s calculated based in the body surface area of the patient (milligrams per meter squared), which is calculated from the patient’s height and weight. Patients are weighed prior to each course of therapy. Doses of chemotherapy can be expressed by either daily of courses doses. The course doses are the sum of the daily doses. Because of the will known side effects of the chemotherapy, patients are given additional medications, such as anti- nausea drugs. 6.What is the process that the nurse goes through when a new patient arrives? Upon arriving at an inpatient unit, a patient met his primary nurse and was formally admitted to the unit. Each new patient was assigned a primary nurse and two or three associate nurses. The primary nurse was the patient’s first point of contact with this unit. The associate nurses cared for the patient when the primary nurse was off duty. The first thing that the primary nurse did, prior to administering chemotherapy, was to check the patient’s consent form. The original was kept in the patient’s medical record, and a copy was kept in the protocol binder in the physician’s dictation room. Next, the nurse determined whether or not the patient was being treated under a research protocol. The only way she could do that was to look at the physician orders that the patient often carried with him when he arrived on the unit. Medication order was also often written after the patient arrived on the unit. The nurse manager information or research protocols unless previously notified by the oncology fellow. If the research protocol was not with the physician’s orders in the patient’s record, the admitting nurse looked for a copy in the files on the unit or went to the Protocol Office. For common protocols, nurses frequently carried index cards listing the details of the treatment. If the protocol was new the nurse might have to look up additional information on the purpose and design of the protocol. Finally, in admitting a new  patient, the nurse measured the patient’s height and weight, and calculated the body surface area. With this she verified the calculations of the chemotherapy dosage. She also checked the dosage of the other agents, either by looking in the hospital formulary, other standard references, or the research protocol. Before beginning any therapy the nurse checked the results of the blood test that the patient had when he arrived at the Dana-Faber. When the nurse received the bag of the chemotherapeutic agent from the pharmacy she cross checked the label on the bag with the drug order sheet in the patient’s drug book. Having confirmed that the drug and dose written on the label of the bag matched the order in the drug book and that the patient’s name on the drug sheet and bag matched the name on the patient’s identification arm band, the nurse began infusing the solution of chemotherapy. The duration of the chemotherapy of ten spanned several nursing shifts. Each nurse coming on duty went through the same confirmation process just described. She checked the patient name, drug and dose on the label of the bag, the drug order book, and the patient’s consent form, and recalculated the dosage, but she did not necessarily check the original drug order. 7.What kinds of safeguards are present in the process of administering chemotherapy to patients? Chemotherapy is usually delivered in courses, each lasting several days, every few weeks. The time off the drugs allows normal tissues time to recover. White blood cells numbers decrease after each after each course of chemotherapy and recover in the intervening days. Each course is preceded by blood test to check that the white blood cell numbers are back up to the normal range, and that heart, liver, and kidney function are not disturbed. The dose of chemotherapy s calculated based in the body surface area of the patient (milligrams per meter squared), which is calculated from the patient’s height and weight. Patients are weighed prior to each course of therapy. Doses of chemotherapy can be expressed by either daily of courses doses. The course doses are the sum of the daily doses. Because of the will known side effects of the chemotherapy, patients are given additional medications, such as anti- nausea drugs. 8.Explain occurrence screens. Quality assurance (QA) activities were similar to many hospitals nationwide, largely because they are mandated by state agencies such as the Board of Registration in Medicine and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health, as well as the JCAHO. Each department undertook quality monitoring and improvement activities. For clinical care, quality assurance information was collected in several ways. After discharge, medical records were reviewed manually by a medical technologist who was jointly employed by the QA and Infections Control departments. She screened the record for evidence of any one of 20 adverse events, such as death, re-admission, pneumothorax secondary to an invasive procedure, and central lines improperly placed. These events were called â€Å"occurrence screens.† In addition, adverse events were monitored through an â€Å"incident reporting† system. Nurses working in the patient care area would fill out a standard from whenever there was an unexpected incident or negative outcome, such as a patient fall or a medication error. Some incidents were reported by phone call. The supervisor of the area concerned had to complete a few questions about the response to the incident, sign the form and pass it on to the QA department. As Karen Nelson, Director of the QA department said â€Å"99% of these said ‘nurse was counseled’.† 9.What were some of the issues noted in the case study that might have led to this incident? She was admitted to the Dana-Faber for her third round of high dose chemotherapy on November 14th, 1994. Her treatment involved a bone marrow transplant. The purpose of high dose chemotherapy is to kill tumor cells, but it also kills healthy bone marrow. Therefore, healthy bone marrow was removed and held in reserve prior to high dose chemotherapy and then re-injected after the chemotherapy. The treatment used was a very high dose of a common chemotherapy agent, cyclophosphamide. The dose was so high that normal bone marrow would be killed. In addition to the common side effects of hair loss and gastrointestinal upset, high dose cyclophosphamide was known to be toxic to the heart. Lehman was participating in a clinical trail and so, in addition, received the anti- ulcer drug cimetidine, which had been shown in animal studies to boost the effect of cyclophosphamide. 10.If you were Dr. Sallen, how would you have addressed this incident initially and then ultimately?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Protection of the generator analysis

Protection of the generator analysis In the generator mainly faults are the earth faults and the inter turn faults they are caused by the thermal and mechanical stresses.The field system is usually ungrounded so when fault between field winding and rotor body exist does not give rise fault current. But when the second earth fault exist it short circuit the rotor winding and then produce the unsymmetrical field system and unbalance the force on rotor.This causes vibration of the rotor and damage the bearings.So rotor earth fault protection is to provided to restrict the fault spreading on ward. Because of that fault, unbalanceing in three phase stator currents exists.As the unbalance three phase currents have the negative sequence component, it rotates in a opposite direction at the synchronous speed giving rise to double frequency currents.This results in to the overheating of the rotor and also damage to the rotor.temperature indicators are used for detecting the rotor overheating. Rotor open circuit faults are less to exist causes arcing problems and reduced excitation. Loss of the field failure occurs due to the short circuit or open circuit in field winding. In the case of the generator start running as induction generator, supplying power as the leading power factor.Due to the loss of excitationand loss of synchronism and system stability occur.rotor protection can also be done by using the tripping scheme which opens the field circuit breaker which will trip the generator unit breaker. Rotor Protection: Different schemes are used for protection of faults occurring in rotor. These schemes are of the following: Rotor earth fault protection: As the field circuit are operating unearthed a single earth fault does not affect the operation of the generator.But this fault increases the stress to the ground because stator transients induce an extra voltage in the field winding.If there is only the single earth fault but the relay should be provided to give the knowledge that fault has to occurred so that the generator may take out of the service until the second fault occurs and become the cause of serious damage for the rotor. There are two basic methods used for the rotor earth fault protection of the generator. Method I: In this method a high resistance is connected across the rotor circuit and its mid point is grounded through a sensitive relay. This relay detects the earth fault for whole circuit except the rotor center point Method II: In this method dc injection or ac injection method is used. .In it either dc or ac voltage is connected between the field circuit and ground through a sensitive over voltage relay and current limiting resistor or capacitor. A single earth fault in the rotor circuit will complete the circuit including voltage source, sensitive over voltage relay and earth fault. DC injection method is simple and has no problems of leakage currents. If we use dc the over voltage relay will be more sensitive than if we use ac because in case when we use ac the relay not picking up the current that flows normally through capacitance to ground and also care should be taken to avoid resonance between capacitance and inductance. Rotor overheating Protection: Negative sequence component of the unbalanced currents of the stator winding causes double frequency current to be induced in the rotor winding due to this component overheating of the rotor take place. In case of over current due to over excitation in the rotor circuit, a dc relay is used. This relay senses and initiates alarm. Application of such relay is limited because relaying of dc quantities is relatively uncommon Rotor Temperature Alarm: This kind of protection is only provided in case of large generators. It gives the level of temperature. In it resistance is measured by comparing voltage and current by a double actuating quantity moving coil relay. The operating coil being used as voltage coil and restraining coil used as current coil. The relay measures the ratio of voltage and current because resistance gives the measure of rotor temperature. Automatic Field Suppression and Use of Neutral circuit Breaker: When a fault on the generator winding exist even through the generator circuit breaker is tripped, the fault continues to be fed as long as the excitation will exist. For the quick removal of the fault, it is necessary to disconnect the field simultaneously with disconnection of the generator. So it is very necessary to discharge its magnetic field as soon as possible in short duration. Hence it should be ensured that all protection system not only the trip the generator circuit breaker but also trip the automatic field discharge switch. Loss of Field Protection: Loss of field occurs due to tripping of the supply of the field current which occurs because of the reasons. Loss of field to the main exciter. Accidental tripping of the field breaker. Short circuit in the field circuit. Poor brush contact in exciter. Loss of AC supply to the excitation system. Field Protection Phenomena: when the field supply is tripped, it speed increased and it start behaving as induction generator so heavy currents are produced in the teeth and wedges of the rotor. Because of the drop in excitation voltage the generator output voltage drops slowly to compensate this voltage current start increasing then generator become under excited and start drawing reactive power 2 to 4 times the generator load. Before losing excitation, the generator is delivering power to the system. But when loss of field occur this large reactive load thrown on the system abruptly with loss of generatorà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“s reactive power and it further causes voltage reduction and extensive instability Protection against Loss of field:If the system has capability to tolerate the difference of reactive power then automatic protection is not required but if the system will be instable in this condition and has not capability to tolerate then automatic protection is required. Under current Moving coil relay is connected across a shunt in series with field winding. But in case of large generators which operate over a wide range of field excitation then this relay will not work properly because field failure due to the failure of the excitation is not detected by it because it is held in by the ac induced from the stator. The most valid type of protection in this case is by using directional-distance type relay operating by alternating current and voltage at the generator terminals. In offset-mho relay is used and its setting is like that when the excitation goes certain value then this relay start operating because machine start running asynchronously. Its characteristics are shown on R-X diagram. When excitation is lost the generator impedance start a curve from the first quadrant to the fourth quadrant. This region is enclosed in the operating area of the relay so the relay will operate when the generator starts to slip poles and will trip the field breaker and disconnect the generator from the system. The generator may then return to service when the cause of failure is cleared. Fig: Loss of field protection Effects produced by loss of field: It can endanger the generator. Connected system or both. Loss of synchronism. Over heating of stator winding. Increased rotor losses. Pole Slipping: When angular displacement of the rotor exceeds the stability limit then rotor slips a pole pitch or we can say rotor flux slips with respect to stator flux. This condition is called pole slipping. Causes of Pole Slipping Following are the causes for pole slipping. Power system fault that persists for long duration .Connecting line between two systems is open. Because of insufficient torque that keeps rotor in synchronism. Faulty excitation system Operating errors. Pole Slipping Phenomena: Pole slipping does not occur very often when faults are cleared very fast. When pole slipping occurs due to this synchronizing power will start flowing in reverse direction twice for every slip cycle. On drawing this synchronizing power on the impedance plane the flow of it characterized by cyclic change in the load impedance and load impedance locus passes between +R and à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬R quadrants because real power flows in reverse direction. When the load impedance is very reactive in nature then two systems are 180 degree out of phase, this instant is when drawn on the jx axis the point corresponding to this instant is called transition point. At this stage only reactive power flows and system voltage reached to zero at the electrical mid point of the two systems. Mid point is that point where pole slipping take place and its location can be determined from the apparent load impedance to the point where the locus crosses the jx axis. Three parameters magnitude, direction and rate of change of load impedance with respect to the generator terminals tell us about the pole slipping, that is it taking place. Fig: Offset mho type pole protection relay Need of Pole Slipping Protection High current and torque can Loosen or causes of wear off winding. Damage shaft and coupling. Stator and rotor over heating. Excitation system damage Protection of Generator due to Unbalanced Loading: Due to fault there is an imbalance in the three phase stator currents and due to these imbalance currents, double frequency currents are induced in the rotor core. This causes the over heating of the rotor and thus the rotor damage. Unbalanced stator currents also damage the stator. Negative sequence filter provided with the over current relay is used for the protection against unbalance loading. From the theory of the symmetrical components, we know that an unbalanced three phase currents contain the negative sequence component. This negative phase sequence current causes heating of the stator. The negative heating follows the resistance law so it is proportional to the square of the current. The heating time constant usually depend upon the cooling system used and is equal to I ²t=k where I is the negative sequence current and t is the current duration in seconds and k is the constant usually lies between 3 and 20. Its general practice to use negative current relays which matches with the above heating characteristics of the generator. In this type of protection three CTs are connected to three phases and the output from the secondaries of the CTs is fed to the coil of over current relay through negative sequence filter. Negative sequence circuit consists of the resistors and capacitors and these are connected in such way that negative sequence currents flows through the relay coil. The relay can be set to operate at any particular value of the unbalance currents or the negative sequence component current. Under and Over voltage protection: Over Voltage Protection: Over voltage occurs because of the increase in the speed of the prime mover due to sudden loss in the load on the generator. Generator over voltage does not occur in the turbo generator because the control governors of the turbo generators are very sensitive to the speed variation. But the over voltage protection is required for the hydro generator or gas turbine generators. The over voltage protection is provided by two over voltage relays have two units à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ one is the instantaneous relays which is set to pick up at 130 to 150% of the rated voltage and another unit is IDMT which is set to pick up at 110% of rated voltage. Over voltage may occur due to the defective voltage regulator and also due to manual control errors. Under Voltage Protection: If more than one generators supply the load and due to some reason one generator is suddenly trip, then another generators try to supply the load. Each of these generators will experience a sudden increase in current and thus decreases the terminal voltage. Automatic voltage regulator connected to the system try to restore the voltage. And under voltage relay type-27 is also used for the under voltage protection. Under/Over Frequencies Protection: Over Frequency Operation: Over frequency results from the excess generation and it can easily be corrected by reduction in the power outputs with the help of the governor or manual control Under Frequency Operation: Under frequency occurs due to the excess. During an overload, generation capability of the generator increases and reduction in frequency occurs. The power system survives only if we drop the load so that the generator output becomes equal or greater than the connected load. If the load increases the generation, then frequency will drop and load need to shed down to create the balance between the generator and the connected load. The rate at which frequency drops depend on the time, amount of overload, on the load and generator variations as the frequency changes. Frequency decay occurs within the seconds so we can not correct it manually. Therefore automatic load shedding facility needs to be applied. These schemes drops load in steps as the frequency decays. Generally load shedding drops 20 to 50% of load in four to six frequency steps. Load shedding scheme works by tripping the substation feeders to decrease the system load. Generally automatic load shedding schemes are designed to maintain the balance between the load connected and the generator. The present practice is to use the under frequency relays at various load points so as to drop the load in steps until the declined frequency return to normal. Non essential load is removed first when decline in frequency occurs. The setting of the under frequency relays based on the most probable condition occurs and also depend upon the worst case possibilities.During the overload conditions, load shedding must occur before the operation of the under frequency relays. In other words load must be shed before the generators are tripped. Stator Over Heating: ProtectionStator over heating is caused due to the overloads and failure in cooling system. It is very difficult to detect the over heating due to the short circuiting of the lamination before any serious damage is caused. Temperature rise depend upon I^2Rt and also on the cooling. Over current relays can not detect the winding temperature because electrical protection can not detect the failure of the cooling systemSo to protect the stator against over heating, embed resistance temperature detector or thermocouples are used in the slots below the stator coils. These detectors are located on the different places in the windings so that to detect the temperature throughout the stator. Detectors which provide the indication of temperature change are arranged to operate the temperature relay to sound an alarm Stator Ground Fault Protection: The method of grounding affects the protection which is employed by the differential protection. High impedance reduces the fault currents and thus it is very difficult to detect the high impedance fault, differential protection does not work for the high impedance grounding. The separate relay to the ground neutral provides the sensitive protection. But ground relay can also detect the fault beyond the generator, it the time co-ordination is necessary to over come this difficulty. If we use the star- delta transformer bank, then it will block the flow of ground currents, thus preventing the occurrence of the fault on other side of the bank from operating ground relays. In unit protection scheme the transformer bank limits the operation of the fault relay to the generator

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What is postmodernism?

Modernity and postmodernism are terms used to describe different eras in the development of human societies. It is different from most sociological perspectives in that it has no over arching theory. Some think that western societies have moved from an era of modernity to post modernity, but others do not agree. The debate between modernity and postmodernism tends to be about to what extent society has changed, and so which theoretical approach is the most appropriate. Modernism began as a way of describing the ideas that emerged during the decline of medieval society. There were three main elements modernism, economic, political and cultural. Modernist thinking supports the idea that the purpose of learning is to better the human condition. Postmodernism opposes each of the assumptions of modernism. They say there is no such thing as valid or invalid knowledge, they see knowledge as a form of control rather then liberation and that grand theories are inadmissible. Postmodernism began to have a significant effect on sociology in the 1980's. Most postmodernists believe that conventional approaches are no longer relevant to sociology, and must be discarded, approaches such as Marxism, functionalism and feminism they claim, were useful in explaining how society operated in previous eras but are no longer relevant to today's society. Modern theorists such as Durkhiem and Weber claim to be able to provide a comprehensive and definitive theory of society. Post modernists claim that this is not possible. Postmodernists claim that enlightenment has been abandoned in contemporary society. They claim people no longer believe in the inevitability of progress and the capacity of science to explain all. People are more pessimistic and no longer believe that grand theories such as Marxism and functionalism are able to explain society. There is now a much wider set of beliefs. French postmodernist writer Jean-Francois Lyotard argues that post-industrial society and so post-modern culture began to develop at the end to of the 1950's, although the rate of development varies between countries. Lyotard agrees that the advance of postmodernism undermines metanarratives of social progress, and people no longer believe that reason can conquer superstition. Lyotard's explanation of how postmodernism has come about is somewhat vague, although he seems to attribute most importance to technology. He believes postmodernism rest upon the â€Å"miniaturisation and commercialisation† of machines. Computer technology has become the principal force of production. He claims that post-modern society is founded on the production and exchange of knowledge and predicts that future wars will be about the control of knowledge as opposed to territorial disputes. It has been suggested that Lyotard's theory sounds very similar to a Marxist criticism of capitalism, but postmodernism offers the possibility of tolerance, in which humans are not all corrupted by metanarratives. However critics have pointed out that wile Lyotard repeatedly critic's metanarratives in his theory he himself has huge generalisations about the direction of human development. He also provides little evidence to support his theory. Marxist critic Terry Eagelton has pointed out that Lyotard's key concept in the development in human society is technical language, and he says this is nothing more than a justification for capitalism and the pursuit of profit regardless of human consequence. Jean Baudrillard is also regarded as a post-modern theorist. Like Lyotard he sees societies as having entered a new and distinctive phase. Unlike Lyotard, and indeed most postmodernists he is rather pessimistic about the outcome of these changes. Baudrillard argues that society is no longer based production and economic forces involving material goods (in direct contradiction of Marxism). He says they have been replaced by the buying and selling of signs and images, which have no relation to material reality. To him society is based upon production and exchange of free-floating images that have little or no connection to what they actually represent. Baudrillard differs from Lyotard in that he sees humans as trapped in a type of powerless uniformity and not being liberated by diversity. He too is vague in explaining how exactly postmodernism has come about. Unlike Lyotard he attaches significance to the television and mass media as an important factor. Critics have argued however that Baudrillards writing is very abstract. It offers examples to illustrate arguments and no systematic evidence. It has been suggested that Baudrillard was so immersed in his theory that to some extent he lost his grip on reality, as in later work he went on to suggest that the gulf war did not exist, but was just a series of images produced by the media, with no evidence that they were real. One of the most inflection sociologists to reject the claims of postmodernism is Anthony Giddens. He does not accept that enlightenment thinking must be abandoned and that metanarratives no longer have a place. He believes postmodernity may develop in the future but unlike sociologist such as David Harvey he does not accept that we have entered an era of post modernity. He does however think that significant changes have taken place within modernity and claims that we are in a period of late modernity. He says that when we move into an era of post modernity there will be four main institutional structures present in society. These are, multi-layered democratic participation, demilitarisation, and humanisation of technology, post scarcity system. He does admit that his idea of a post modern society is a rather idyllic one, as it is hard to imagine richer countries sharing their wealth with poorer countries for example, but is willing to except it may happen in the future. His theory is backed up only by occasional example rather than systematic evidence, however it remains the main opposition to post modernism theories. The main criticism of postmodernism is that it is paradoxical. How can you have a general theory that argues that general theories are no longer relevant? However many consider postmodernism to be an important area of sociology even if they do not believe society has yet reached that stage in development.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Marketing Sample

Canada is among the leading countries in economic production.   Since its industrialization, much has been achieved from the economic sector especially through manufacturing industries.   Butter fat, Sugars and alcohol could not complete diet until when some foods in Ball Park of 100grams of fat per 750ml bottle, cream liqueur was introduced in the market.   The cream liqueur industries sales in seasons where by the peak is around October, November and December holidays which are the perfect holiday treat- permitted during the gluttony of the season. These sale seasons are cut back after New Year resolution kicks in (Bender & Bender, 1995). Yet even in a climate of health conscious consumerism, cream liqueur sales continues to hold their own. In terms of market growth per year, the liqueur distributing brand reports a 1.7 per cent increment in its sales as compared with the previous 12 months, while   connect logistics in Alberta reports a   0.9 per cent increase for the same period. In some parts like Alberta, the figures are deceptive however, not included in the statistics but can be roughly half of cream liqueurs that benefits from a lower tax rate by being classified in the category with alcohol lender 17 percent.   This category division exists only in Alberta whose flagship cream liqueur lowered its alcohol content in order to distribute within the province.   Research shows that while the average consumer will not be able to detect the decreased alcohol, the price differential will be noticed. Canada has been unique in labeling restrictions which require liqueurs to have a minimum of 22 per cent alcohol.   This has in turn improved their sales both in quality and quantity.   It also implies that most cream liqueurs are actually classified as liquors in Great White, North.   In terms of sales this Canadian company maximizes its sales through selling predominantly on quality basis unlike other companies which attract customers through bargain of prices. This is why the industries continue to grow despite an influx of new products within the category.   The cream liqueur company has widely diversified its production because about 61 cream liqueurs products are in the market. Within the category, however, many agents agree Irish creams have the most staying power, while flavored cream come and go. Their products have fetched market even with international countries which is evident by Highwood distilleries whose sales of flavored creams have been dismissal and Highwood will be discontinuing their maple and chocolate Rose creams. Similarly, mountain crest is phrasing out its just deserts and fruits cream lines.   On the other hand, category leaders of cream liqueurs continue to have a strong presence in the market. Some other products like true Irish creams are made from Irish Whisky where the term often refers to any whisky based cream liqueur like Kemper’s Bavarian Cream made in Germany. Baileys original Irish Cream is still leading the park as number one selling brand in the world.   Launched in Dublin in 1974, Bailey was the very first commercially produced cream liqueur. Corolans Irish Cream Liqueur is ranked as the second best selling Irish Cream liqueur, both globally as well as in Western Canada.   Carolans is known for its honey taste and boosts lower price than its leading competitor. Amarula Cream, selling within the top four cream liqueurs in both Alberta and British Columbia, South Africa reported international volume growth of 12.7% in 2004.   This distell, is recognized for its environmental policies including elephant conservation initiatives (Bender & Bender 1995). References: Bender D and Bender A, (1995). A   Dictionary of Food and Nutrition. Oxford, New York.   

Friday, November 8, 2019

Art, Clothing, and Fashion essays

Art, Clothing, and Fashion essays When talking about clothing it is hard not to discuss fashion; and when speaking about fashion, it is hard to omit the influence of art. Thus, these three words go hand in hand to give meaning to each other. Art, clothing, and fashion influence each other and provide basis for us to understand each one. Anyone who has ever visited an art show or art museum can easily see that art comes in various forms. Art ranges from an oil painting hanging on the wall to a statue made out of syrup and waffles. Websters desk reference dictionary defines art as n. human skill as opposed to nature, applied to music, poetry, painting; a system or rules, a profession or craft. If we use Websters definition of art as human skill, it basically defines everything that we as humans create. I agree with this definition because I feel that while there is art in the form of paintings and sculptures there is also art in how someone dances or sings. In my opinion art is best defined as the human ability to create something whether it be a song, painting, article of clothing, or written piece. While I have provided my own personal definition of art, I feel that art holds different definitions for different people. Art intersects with clothing and fashion because many designs are influenced by art. Everything from color to form and shape can be borrowed from art and revealed through clothing and fashion. In return artists can use fashion and clothing as an inspiration for their work. Websters dictionary defines clothing as both a noun and verb; meaning garments in general dress or wearing apparel. This is a very broad definition that does not include things such as accessories that are also a part of clothing. Clothing is also much more than just wearing apparel, if that were the case we would not care what we wear. Clothing conveys messages to others about your p ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Day Of The Dead Essays - Mexican Culture, Mexican Art, Halloween

The Day Of The Dead Essays - Mexican Culture, Mexican Art, Halloween The Day Of The Dead Day of the Dead Imagine yourself in a cemetery, commemorating your great-grandpa. Dia De Los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) is celebrated in Mexico on November 2nd. The Day of the Dead is one of Mexico's traditional holidays reuniting and honoring beloved ancestors, family, and friends. To begin, the historical roots of this celebration date back to the pre-Hispanic cultures of Meso-America of the indigenous people, especially the Nahua (Aztecs, Mayans, Toltecas, Tlaxcaltec, Chichimec, Tecpanec) and others native to Mexico more than 3,000 years ago. Life was seen as a dream. It was believed that only in dying, a human being was truly awake. Death was not a mysterious and fearful presence but a realistic recognizable character as much a part of life as life itself. When Christianity was introduced in the 16th century, religion and its symbols became part of the altars we now find in Mexico today. November 1st, All Saints Day, is when the spirits of the children, called los angelitos (little angels), are expected to return. Traditionally, it is a time when family members share memorable stories that would commemorate their lives together. Secondly, there are many items that people do to celebrate the Day of the Dead. On November 2, family members clean and perhaps paint the headstones, arrange flowers, and lighting candles. Mexican families construct special home altars dedicated to the spirits of their deceased loved ones. The altars range from simple to the very elaborate and are usually filled with objects that provided pleasure to the departed person in life, including favorite food and drink. Altars dedicated to the spirits of deceased children often include toys, candy and other sweets. I think that building alters for the dead is a good concept. They teach the younger generations about the past, as well as commemorate the dead. No matter what kind of a person was, everyone leaves behind a legend. Some books, for example, are biographies, praising and telling about a person in the past or present. Like a book, the alters tell the history of a person. The alters tell a story of the dead individual. Alters tell the age, their likes, and many other interesting facts about the dead individuals life. I think that these alters compensate the work of an earlier generation. The altars or ofrendas as they are called, also usually contain objects made from sugar or sugar sculpture known as alfenique. These objects may be small animals, such as lambs, miniature plates of food (enchiladas with mole), small coffins, often with pop-up skeletons, and of course, the sugar skull or calavera. The skulls are made by pouring a mixture of boiling water, confectioner's sugar and lime into clay molds, which have been previously soaked in water. The calaveras are decorated with paper foil for eyes and a kind of colored icing for hair. Names can be added to the skull and Mexican children often exchange named skulls with their friends. I think that the skeleton represents the spirit still living after it has left it's flesh on this earth. The spirit of an individual lives on forever. Ofrendas often include papel picado or Mexican cut-paper. Papel picado has a long folk tradition in Mexico and the little town of San Salvador Huixcolotla, in the state of Puebla, is known for its fine cut paper. Although papel picado is used as a decoration for many festive occasions such as weddings and baptisms, papel picado with themes relating to Day of the Dead is also very popular. The Mexican papel picado is similar to origami. Although origami is folded, it too has spiritual meaning. In conclusion, I think that Dias De Los Muertos is important for the family to maintain good relationships with the dead for it is they who intercede and bring food fortune to the living. It is a time to come to terms with our mortality and become aware of cycle of life and death. The Day of the Dead is a day for honoring are beloved ones.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Federal agency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Federal agency - Essay Example This part of the paper explains the process and structure by which agency oversees or regulates its working and overall health management processes. There is an Audit Services Division, communal Secretariat Scientific, executive General of Agency, theses department are that is responsible for reporting in a straight line to the Chief Public Health Officer. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) interior Audit purpose gives the Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO), the Minister of Canada, and Agency executive with an autonomous ability to carry out audits that is dependable with agency and central agency strategies; to react to agency main concerns and to augment the effectiveness, efficiency, and financial system of operations. 2 Now paper gives answer of why it is important that this agency oversee or regulate these businesses? agency oversee or regulate these businesses because they are focused on additional effectual hard work to avert chronic diseases, such that HIV, hepatitis, cancer and heart disease, avoid injuries and take action to public health emergencies and communicable disease eruptions, the Public Health Agency of Canada workings intimately with all regions and provinces to keep Canadians strong, healthy and assist decrease pressures on the health care structure. The Agency will be division of the public service and will be leaded by the CPHO (told earlier) who will provide the continuous statement to the Minister of Health of Canada. Health Canada will as well provides details to the Minister of central Canada. 3 This part of the paper outlines the recent actions or ruling has the agency made. Recently the Federal Agency for Health Canada has issued a policy and coordination. It works together with analysts in all region of the Branch to expand eloquent and incorporate Branch policy and as well improve more awareness among the people about chronic diseases. By meeting and producing key

Friday, November 1, 2019

The gaze in art and popular culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The gaze in art and popular culture - Essay Example One of the pioneers in the study of gaze within the context of films is Laura Mulvey. She theorized that gaze was traditionally viewed in relation to gender oppression. In her work "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema† Laura Mulvey introduced the concept of gaze and its dynamics to be a manifestation of imbalance of power between the male and the female where the male dominates the female and thus the term – male gaze. Mulvey’s theory is Freudian in origin where she â€Å"breaks scopophilia down into an active part, which is always  male, and a passive part, which is always female. Women are the objects that are looked† (Finzsch, n. p.). In Mulvey’s male gaze, the male’s patriarchal role is extended to the film where the male imposes a hegemonic gaze to the women as mere objects of desire. Thus, it produces an imbalance relationship as women are reduced to an object of two distinct modes of male gaze where they became Madonna’s in ma le perspective (voyeuristic) or whores (fetishistic). In her work, viewers tend to identify with the protagonist of the film who is typically a male and thus, the perspective conveyed by the film is that of a man and it follows that women will be looked upon as an object of desire. Bell Hooks took a different perspective in defining the dynamics of gaze in film in relation to the viewer. ... e male gaze is punished by white oriented society and therefore, this suppressed desire to gaze in real life is unleashed in film gazing to the effect that it is more intense and radically different than the regular male gaze. In this type of male gaze, Hooks shared the perspective of Mulvey in reducing women to mere sex objects (albeit Hooks did not venture into voyeuristic type or viewing women as Madonna) where white women was always the archetype of beauty . In this regard, this relationship between the black viewers and their idolatry towards white women in films as the idealized beauty produces the oppression among black women as she is pushed further down in the totem pole of power. First, her race is already a subject of oppression that she share among the black men but her lot is more difficult because it is aggravated by the fact that she is a woman which by default is already a subject of imbalance of power between genders. Third, being a black woman subjected her to †Å"triple oppression because of the previous factors that already subjected her to oppression that she has to deny her own sense of beauty to give way to idea that the idea of beautiful and desirable will always be white. Bell Hooks argument may have been valid if this was pointed out decades ago where racial discrimination was still rampant and that the concept of beauty was limited to the female blond or Caucasian girl. The â€Å"triple oppression† that was vehemently argued by Hooks is already outdated today because black women are now also portrayed as desirable objects and no longer does the idea that a black woman has to deny herself of beauty because of the color of her skin. To cite several objects, we can cite several female group and artists who had been packaged as sexually desirable